In my C# app I run some setup in silent mode. the thing is that I want to enable to the user to choose the target installation directory but don't know how.
This is the silent install that works fine but installing in the default directory:
void RunSilentSetup(string executableFilePath)
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
CreateNoWindow = false,
UseShellExecute = true,
FileName = executableFilePath,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
Arguments = "/s /v/qn"
using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo))
int exitcode = exeProcess.ExitCode;
if (exitcode == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Installation was successfully completed");
Console.WriteLine("one or more errors occurred during the installation");
But I need something like:
void RunSilentSetup(string executableFilePath, string targetDir)
Arguments = "/s /v/qn"+targetDir,
Here is the setup parameters:
Change to:
Arguments = "/s /v/qn /vINSTALLDIR=\"+targetDir+"\"",
If you run it directly from cmd that would be look like:
C:\someFolder\anotherFolder> setup /s /v/qn /vINSTALLDIR="D:\yourTargetDirectory"