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parse google document for text and copy result to sheet

I wish to parse a series of documents in a Google Drive folder using regular expressions.

The documents contain equipment model and serial numbers. I wish to then copy the results to a google sheet row by row. I have managed a similar task with emails successfully but to no avail with google docs.

Can anyone offer some guidance. I have tested the regular expressions in the 'find and replace' menu in google docs and they work fine. The following is simply an attempt to see if I can capture some data and write it to a cell in the active sheet.

function write() {
var ss= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var doc = 
var body = doc.getBody();
var text = body.findText('(\W|^)GSS\d{2}H(\W|$)')



  • You want to retrieve all values matched by (\W|^)GSS\d{2}H(\W|$) in the document, and put the result to spreadsheet with row by row. If my understanding is correct, how about this modification? I think that there are several answers for your situation. So please think of this as one of them.

    Modification points :

    • Retrieve text from document.
    • Retrieve all matched values using the regex.
    • Put the result to spreadsheet.

    Modified script :

    function write() {
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
      var doc = DocumentApp.openById('1ZNqJjSJo1wkD3eaCRTY64g98hYEY77D4MDU6XpvA4MI');
      var body = doc.getBody();
      // Modified script
      var text = doc.getBody().getText();
      var result = [];
      var r = /(\W|^)GSS\d{2}H(\W|$)/g;
      while ((res = r.exec(text)) !== null) { // or while (res = r.exec(text)) {
      ss.getRange(ss.getLastRow() + 1, 1, result.length, 1).setValues(result);

    If this was not what you want, I'm sorry. At that time, could you please provide the sample input and output you need? I would like to modify my answer.