I am trying to move some custom functions from GoogleSheets to LibreOffice Calc.
In GoogleSheets I can return a sequence of values as [1,2,3]
to have them on the same row, and as [[1,2,3]]
to have them on the same column.
In Libreoffice till now I have been able to return ony a few values in the same row, using the code stub below and pressing Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Enter instead of Enter. But, I can't find the way to get return values to be palced in the same column.
Function mya() as Variant
mya = Array(3,2,1)
End Function
Any suggestion ?
For all values in a single column, use the following function with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Function mya() as Variant
Dim myarray(2, 0) As Integer
myarray(0, 0) = 1
myarray(1, 0) = 2
myarray(2, 0) = 3
mya = myarray
End Function
Documentation is under "Multi-Dimensional Data Fields" at https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/BASIC_Guide/Arrays.