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Using results from one MySQL query in another query in a PHP Envirnment

I have a problem, it may be a simple fix to the issue, but I can't seem to figure it out. I am new to PHP and MySQL, so I'm reading everything everywhere, but lack of experience is very frustrating, as often times it takes ages to realize a small error. Please look at the following tables and read below the questions.

The PHP/mysql is in Joomla environment, I am trying to modify a plugin, so that is updates with values from different tables into a set of other tables, that were not originally intended, but all tables reside in the same database.

   Table 1           vm_orders
order_id    user_id     
20          1           
55          6           
65          2           
30          4           
50          67          

   Table 2   vm_order_item
order_item_id   order_id  order_item_sku    
20                  20          1
55                  55          35
65                  65          60
30                  30          22
50                  50          3

Table 3 xipt_ users
userid  Profiletype template
1       1       default
6       3       default
2       1       default
4       8       default
67      7       default

Table 4      community_fields_values
id      user_id     field_id    value
1           1           55      Female
2           6           35      Cat
3           2           2       2
4           4           18      Texas
5           67          12      bike

What I need to is first of all get the order number according to the user that has place the order. The userid variable is being passed from elsewhere in the script. That part is working fine. So the user 67 has placed an order. These are the things I want to achieve.

  1. Query 1: I want to get the "orderid" value from "order_id" column of vm_orders table (table 1); i will call the result "vmorderid" and use it in another query.

  2. Query 2: Using the "vmorderid" from query 1 as the order_id value in the "order_id" column of vm_order_item table (table 2). I want to get the order_item_sku value from the "order_item_sku" column of my_order_item table (table 2). I will call the result "vmsku" and use it in another query.

  3. Query 3: Using the "vmsku" from query 2 as the profiletype value in the "Profiletype" column of vm_users table (table 3). I want to UPDATE the value of the "profiletype" column, with "vmsku" value.

  4. Query 4: Using the "vmsku" from query 2 as the value in the "value" column of community_fields_values (table 4). I want to UPDATE the value of the "value" column in my_fields_values (table 4) "vmsku" value.

Okay, I hope you are with me so far, I have tried a couple of queries, but it's not working. Here is what I have so far:

Assuming the user it is being passed from a param field.

$userid = $this->params->get('userid', 'defaultValue'); 

function _vm_custom_order($vmorderId) 

    $vmorderId = $database->loadResult();
    $database = JFactory::getDBO();

    // query the db to see if the user is already a member of group

     $vmorderId ="

                SELECT MAX
                    `user_id` = '{$userid}'

     $database->setQuery( $vmorderId );
    $data = $database->loadResult();

    return $data;

function _vm_sku($vmsku) 

    $vmsku = $database->loadResult();
    $database = JFactory::getDBO();

    // query the db to see if the user is already a member of group
    $vmsku = "
                    `order_id` = '{$vmorderId}'


      $database->setQuery( $vmsku );
    $data = $database->loadResult();

    return $data;


function _add( $userid, $groupid, $vmsku)
    $success = false;
    $database = JFactory::getDBO();

    if (!$allow_multiplegroups = $this->params->get( 'allow_multiplegroups', '1' )) {
        // query the db to see if the user is already a member of ANY group
                `userid` = '{$userid}' 
        $member = $database->loadResult();

        // if so, do not execute
        if (intval($member) > 0) {
            return $success;

    $already = plgAmbrasubsAddToXipt::_already( $userid, $groupid );

    if (($already != $userid)) 

                SELECT MAX
                    `user_id` = '{$userid}'

                    $vmorderId = $database->loadResult();

        if ($database->query()) {
            $success = true; 

    if (($already != $userid)) 


                    `order_id` = '{$vmorderId}'

                    $vmsku = $database->loadResult();

        if ($database->query()) {
            $success = true; 

    // if they aren't already a member of the group, add them to the group
    if (($already != $userid)) 
                `profiletype` = '{$vmsku}'

                `userid` = '{$userid}'

            LIMIT 1


        if ($database->query()) {
            $success = true; 

    return $success;


I also tried it this way:

function _add( $userid, $groupid, $vmsku)
    $success = false;
    $database = JFactory::getDBO();

    if (!$allow_multiplegroups = $this->params->get( 'allow_multiplegroups', '1' )) {
        // query the db to see if the user is already a member of ANY group
                `userid` = '{$userid}' 
        $member = $database->loadResult();

        // if so, do not execute
        if (intval($member) > 0) {
            return $success;

    $already = plgAmbrasubsAddToXipt::_already( $userid, $groupid );

    if (($already != $userid)) 

                SELECT MAX
                    `user_id` = '{$userid}'

                    $vmorderId = $database->loadResult();

        if ($database->query()) {
            $success = true; 

    if (($already != $userid)) 


                    `order_id` = '{$vmorderId}'

                    $vmsku = $database->loadResult();

        if ($database->query()) {
            $success = true; 

    // if they aren't already a member of the group, add them to the group
    if (($already != $userid)) 
                `profiletype` = '{$vmsku}'

                `userid` = '{$userid}'

            LIMIT 1


        if ($database->query()) {
            $success = true; 

    return $success;


EDIT: I have now tried as suggested, to use JOIN to accomplish the task, so far no joy!



                        `profiletype.#__xipt_users` = `product_sku.#__vmsku`


                        `userid` = '{$userid}'


                     SELECT `order_id.#__vm_orders`
                           FROM #__vm_orders, #__vm_order_item
                            LEFT JOIN #__vm_orders 
                            ON #__vm_orders.`order_id` = #__vm_order_item.`order_id` 
                            ORDER BY `order_id.#__vm_order` DESC LIMIT 1
                            `user_id.#__vm_orders` = '{$userid}'

                    ) AS #__vmorder_id

                     SELECT ` product_sku.#__vm_order_item`
                           FROM #__vm_order_item, #__vmorder_id
                            LEFT JOIN #__vm_order_item 
                            ON `#__vm_order_item.order_id` = `#__vmorder_id.order_id` 
                            `order_id.#__vm_order_item` = `order_id.#__vmorder_id`

                      AS #__vmsku

                    LIMIT 1



  • Join Statements
    I would suggest you start learning how to create Join Statements in MySQL.

    Have a look at this website:

    That way you are able to combine multiple queries into one. It will make this job a lot easier!

    Piece of paper
    Also it will help you to draw your database on a piece of paper to get a better overview of what you want to do. For example you can draw lines between the table fields you want to link.