You can create a window to count the number of times a record has occurred in the last 7 days. However, if you try to look at the number of times the record has occurred on a millisecond level, it breaks down.
In short, the below function df.timestamp.astype('Timestamp').cast("long")
only converts the timestamp up to the grain of a second to a long. It ignores the millisecond. How do you turn the entire timestamp, milliseconds included, into a long. You need the value to be a long so that it'll work with the window.
from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import unix_timestamp
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
("a", "u8u", "2018-02-02 05:46:41.438357"),
("a", "u8u", "2018-02-02 05:46:41.439377"),
("a", "a3a", "2018-02-02 09:48:34.081818"),
("a", "a3a", "2018-02-02 09:48:34.095586"),
("a", "g8g", "2018-02-02 09:48:56.006206"),
("a", "g8g", "2018-02-02 09:48:56.007974"),
("a", "9k9", "2018-02-02 12:50:48.000000"),
("a", "9k9", "2018-02-02 12:50:48.100000"),
], ["person_id", "session_id", "timestamp"])
df = df.withColumn('unix_ts',df.timestamp.astype('Timestamp').cast("long"))
df = df.withColumn("DayOfWeek",F.date_format(df.timestamp, 'EEEE'))
w = Window.partitionBy('person_id','DayOfWeek').orderBy('unix_ts').rangeBetween(-86400*7,-1)
df = df.withColumn('count',F.count('unix_ts').over(w))
|person_id|session_id|timestamp |unix_ts |DayOfWeek|count|
|a |u8u |2018-02-02 05:46:41.438357|1517572001|Friday |0 |
|a |u8u |2018-02-02 05:46:41.439377|1517572001|Friday |0 |
|a |a3a |2018-02-02 09:48:34.081818|1517586514|Friday |2 |
|a |a3a |2018-02-02 09:48:34.095586|1517586514|Friday |2 |
|a |g8g |2018-02-02 09:48:56.006206|1517586536|Friday |4 |
|a |g8g |2018-02-02 09:48:56.007974|1517586536|Friday |4 |
|a |9k9 |2018-02-02 12:50:48.000000|1517597448|Friday |6 |
|a |9k9 |2018-02-02 12:50:48.100000|1517597448|Friday |6 |
The count should be 0,1,2,3,4,5... instead of 0,0,2,2,4,4,...
You can use pyspark.sql.functions.unix_timestamp()
to convert the string column to a timestamp instead of casting to long
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
F.unix_timestamp(F.col("timestamp"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS").alias("unix_ts")
#|timestamp |unix_ts |
#|2018-02-02 05:46:41.438357|1517568839|
#|2018-02-02 05:46:41.439377|1517568840|
#|2018-02-02 09:48:34.081818|1517582995|
#|2018-02-02 09:48:34.095586|1517583009|
#|2018-02-02 09:48:56.006206|1517582942|
#|2018-02-02 09:48:56.007974|1517582943|
#|2018-02-02 12:50:48.862644|1517594710|
#|2018-02-02 12:50:49.981848|1517594830|
The second argument to unix_timestamp()
is the format string. In your case, use "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"
The corresponding change applied to your code would be:
df = df.withColumn(
F.unix_timestamp(F.col("timestamp"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS")
df = df.withColumn("DayOfWeek", F.date_format(df.timestamp, 'EEEE'))
w = Window.partitionBy('person_id','DayOfWeek').orderBy('unix_ts').rangeBetween(-86400*7,-1)
df = df.withColumn('count',F.count('unix_ts').over(w))
#|person_id|session_id|timestamp |unix_ts |DayOfWeek|count|
#|a |u8u |2018-02-02 05:46:41.438357|1517568839|Friday |0 |
#|a |u8u |2018-02-02 05:46:41.439377|1517568840|Friday |1 |
#|a |g8g |2018-02-02 09:48:56.006206|1517582942|Friday |2 |
#|a |g8g |2018-02-02 09:48:56.007974|1517582943|Friday |3 |
#|a |a3a |2018-02-02 09:48:34.081818|1517582995|Friday |4 |
#|a |a3a |2018-02-02 09:48:34.095586|1517583009|Friday |5 |
#|a |9k9 |2018-02-02 12:50:48.862644|1517594710|Friday |6 |
#|a |9k9 |2018-02-02 12:50:49.981848|1517594830|Friday |7 |