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Equality of cardinalities of two `finType`s with a bijection

I have two finTypes with a bijection between them. At the moment, I need the fact that they have equal cardinalities. However, I cannot find this lemma, nor other lemmas with which the statement can be easily proven. It seems to me that the proof shouldn't be hard.

The statement is:

From mathcomp Require Import ssrfun ssrbool eqtype fintype.
Lemma bij_card_eq (T T' : finType) (f : T -> T') : bijective f -> #|T| = #|T'|.

Any help is appreciated!


  • There is a really nice proof of this fact by Cyril Cohen here:

    From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
    Section BijCard.
    Variables U V : finType.
    Variable f : U -> V.
    Lemma bij_card : bijective f -> #|U| = #|V|.
    move=> [g fgK gfK]; rewrite -(card_image (can_inj fgK)).
    by apply/eq_card=> x; apply/imageP; exists (g x).
    End BijCard.