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Flow, how to type cast to a more specific type from mixed

The flow-typed libdef for express defines locals as an object with mixed values.
Specifying the actual value types results in the errors below... how should these specific types be annotated?

// From libdef
type Locals = {
  [name: string]: mixed;

// Populated data
const locals: Locals = {
  version: 1.2,
  resources: {
    a: "abc",
    b: "def"

// Annotate the actual type
const version: number = locals.version; // Error: mixed is incompatible with number
const resources: {[string]: string} = locals.resources; // Error: mixed is incompatible with object type


  • One way is to refine the type of whatever you've recieved until it fits the shape you're looking for. Usually, I make a handful of basic refinement functions and use those to build up larger refinements.


    // From libdef
    type Locals = {
      [name: string]: mixed;
    // Populated data
    const locals: Locals = {
      version: 1.2,
      resources: {
        a: "abc",
        b: "def"
    // The type you want
    type MyLocals = {
      version: number,
      resources: {
        // maybe this one is a map? idk
        [string]: string
    // Some basic refinement functions
    const refineString = (x: mixed): string => {
      if (typeof x === 'string') {
        return x 
      throw new Error("Not a string")
    const refineNumber = (x: mixed): number => {
      if (typeof x === 'number') {
        return x 
      throw new Error("Not a number")
    const refineObj = (x: mixed): {[string]: mixed} => {
      if (x instanceof Object) {
        return x 
      throw new Error("Not an object")
    // More type-specifc refinement functions
    const refineResources = (x: mixed): $ElementType<MyLocals, 'resources'> => {
      const anObj = refineObj(x)
      return Object.keys(anObj)
                   .reduce((acc, k) => Object.assign(acc, { [k]: refineString(anObj[k]) }), {})
    const refineMyLocals = (x: mixed): MyLocals => {
      const {version, resources} = refineObj(x)
      return {
        version: refineNumber(version),
        resources: refineResources(resources)
    // Now use them to assert a type
    const myLocals: MyLocals = refineMyLocals(locals)
    const version: number = myLocals.version;
    const resources: {[string]: string} = myLocals.resources;

    Alternatively, if the libdef is in the flow-typed folder, just go in there and change the libdef. It will make that type specific to your project, but it might be the most effective way to handle it assuming you don't need the the [name: string]: mixed type somewhere else in your code.