I'm trying to create an SSH tunnel to run Jupyter on a Google Cloud Dataproc cluster.
The tutorial gives the following template for creating the tunnel. It says:
"Replace port1 with the Cloud Shell port you will use (8080 - 8084), and port2 with the Web interface port on the cluster master node."
gcloud compute ssh master-host-name \
--project=project-id --zone master-host-zone -- \
-4 -N -L port1:master-host-name:port2
What I am stuck on is port 2. I've looked in VPC settings, in the VM settings, etc but I cannot find any "web interface port". Is there someplace specific that I should be looking?
You may find this article helpful: https://cloud.google.com/dataproc/docs/concepts/accessing/cluster-web-interfaces
You're likely looking for Yarn resource manager on port 8088
. However, if you want to drill down into your applications (which do not run on master node) you may find setting up SSH tunnel easier to work with:
gcloud compute ssh master-host-name ... -- -D 1080 -N
Then start the browser pointed at the proxy:
/usr/bin/google-chrome \
--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1080" \
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost" \
You can now enter http://master-host-name:8088
in browser's address bar.