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how to extract the feature importances in Sparklyr?

Consider this simple example

dtrain <- data_frame(text = c("Chinese Beijing Chinese",
                              "Chinese Chinese Shanghai",
                              "Chinese Macao",
                              "Tokyo Japan Chinese"),
                     doc_id = 1:4,
                     class = c(1, 1, 1, 0))

dtrain_spark <- copy_to(sc, dtrain, overwrite = TRUE)

> dtrain_spark
# Source:   table<dtrain> [?? x 3]
# Database: spark_connection
  text                     doc_id class
  <chr>                     <int> <dbl>
1 Chinese Beijing Chinese       1     1
2 Chinese Chinese Shanghai      2     1
3 Chinese Macao                 3     1
4 Tokyo Japan Chinese           4     0

I can train a decision_tree_classifier easily with the following pipeline

pipeline <- ml_pipeline(
  ft_tokenizer(sc, input.col = "text", output.col = "tokens"),
  ft_count_vectorizer(sc, input_col = 'tokens', output_col = 'myvocab'),
  ml_decision_tree_classifier(sc, label_col = "class", 
                 features_col = "myvocab", 
                 prediction_col = "pcol",
                 probability_col = "prcol", 
                 raw_prediction_col = "rpcol")

model <- ml_fit(pipeline, dtrain_spark)

Now the issue is that I cannot extract in a meaningful way the feature_importances.


> ml_stage(model, 'decision_tree_classifier')$feature_importances
[1] 0 0 1 0 0 0

But what I want is tokens! In my real life example i have thousands of them and shown it is hard to understand anything.

Is there any way to back out the tokens from the matrix representation above?



  • You can easily combine CountVectorizerModel vocabulary and feature_importances:

      token = unlist(ml_stage(model, 'count_vectorizer')$vocabulary),
      importance = ml_stage(model, 'decision_tree_classifier')$feature_importances
    # A tibble: 6 x 2
      token    importance
      <chr>         <dbl>
    1 chinese           0
    2 japan             1
    3 shanghai          0
    4 beijing           0
    5 tokyo             0
    6 macao             0