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Dynamic sql with pivot

enter image description here

i have the data like in the image..

the types will change as per the type ID selection,

i am trying to achieve and output similar to below:-

enter image description here

The 166su01count corresponds to type 166su01 and it should show 5(daystotal) for date 4/16/2018

The 166su01Rate corresponds to type 166su01 and it should show 60.00(percount) for date 4/16/2018

The 166su02count corresponds to type 166su02 and it should show 7(daystotal) for date 4/16/2018

The 166su02Rate corresponds to type 166su02 and it should show 28.57(percount) for date 4/16/2018 and so on so forth...

the types change based on selection please help..


  • Providing solution for MS-SQL Server -

    Creating the tables and data -

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Type](
        [daynumbers] [date] NULL,
        [daystotal] [int] NULL,
        [types] [varchar](15) NULL,
        [percount] [float] NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Type]
    ('2018-04-16',  5   ,'166su01', 60)
    ,('2018-04-16', 7   ,'166su02', 28.57)
    ,('2018-04-18', 8   ,'166su02', 62.5)
    ,('2018-04-19', 5   ,'166su01', 100)

    There are two parts to the problem -

    1. Doing multiple pivots(one for percount and one for daystotal ) from a single columnn(types)
    2. Making the query applicable to dynamic sql

    Part 1 -

    This can be solved by duplicating types column and naming it as types1 and pivoting the table twice - One for percount and one for daystotal

    SELECT *
    (SELECT *,types+' Count'[types1] FROM dbo.Type) AS SourceTable --duplicate column created here
    FOR types IN ([166su01], [166su02])  
    ) AS PivotTable
    FOR types1 IN ([166su01 Count], [166su02 Count])  
    ) AS PivotTable

    This will create extra rows So for grouping them using daynumbers column in the following way -

    SELECT daynumbers,Sum([166su01])[166su01],Sum( [166su01 Count]) [166su01 Count], Sum([166su02])[166su02],Sum( [166su02 Count]) [166su02 Count] FROM  
    (SELECT *,types+' Count'[types1] FROM dbo.Type) AS SourceTable
    FOR types IN ([166su01], [166su02])  
    ) AS PivotTable
    FOR types1 IN ([166su01 Count], [166su02 Count])  
    ) AS PivotTable
    group by

    Part 2 - Making this query dynamic Need to dynamically define the following items -

    1. Headers of Select Query - Sum([166su01])[166su01],Sum( [166su01 Count]) [166su01 Count], Sum([166su02])[166su02],Sum( [166su02 Count]) [166su02 Count]
    2. Percount Pivot - [166su01], [166su02]
    3. DaysTotal Pivot - [166su01 Count], [166su02 Count]

    This can be done by -

    DECLARE @PivotPercount NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold types to pivot for percount
    SELECT @PivotPercount = @PivotPercount + ', [' + COALESCE(types, '') + ']' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT types FROM dbo.Type)DT
    SELECT @PivotPercount = LTRIM(STUFF(@PivotPercount, 1, 1, '')) --Remove first comma and space
    print @PivotPercount
    DECLARE @PivotDaysTotal NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold types to pivot for daystotal
    SELECT @PivotDaysTotal = @PivotDaysTotal + ', [' + COALESCE(types, '') + ' Count]' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT types FROM dbo.Type)DT
    SELECT @PivotDaysTotal = LTRIM(STUFF(@PivotDaysTotal, 1, 1, '')) --Remove first comma and space
    print @PivotDaysTotal
    DECLARE @Headers NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold unique customers to be used in PIVOT clause
    SELECT @Headers = @Headers + ', Sum([' + COALESCE(types, '') + '])'+'[' + COALESCE(types, '') + ']' + ',Sum( [' + COALESCE(types, '') + ' Count]) ' + '[' + COALESCE(types, '') + ' Count]'   FROM (SELECT DISTINCT types FROM dbo.Type)DT
    SELECT @Headers = LTRIM(STUFF(@Headers, 1, 1, '')) --Remove first comma and space
    print @Headers

    Now Combining Everything - Final Query -

    DECLARE @PivotPercount NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold types to pivot for percount
    SELECT @PivotPercount = @PivotPercount + ', [' + COALESCE(types, '') + ']' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT types FROM dbo.Type)DT
    SELECT @PivotPercount = LTRIM(STUFF(@PivotPercount, 1, 1, '')) --Remove first comma and space
    print @PivotPercount
    DECLARE @PivotDaysTotal NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold types to pivot for daystotal
    SELECT @PivotDaysTotal = @PivotDaysTotal + ', [' + COALESCE(types, '') + ' Count]' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT types FROM dbo.Type)DT
    SELECT @PivotDaysTotal = LTRIM(STUFF(@PivotDaysTotal, 1, 1, '')) --Remove first comma and space
    print @PivotDaysTotal
    DECLARE @Headers NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold unique customers to be used in PIVOT clause
    SELECT @Headers = @Headers + ', Sum([' + COALESCE(types, '') + '])'+'[' + COALESCE(types, '') + ']' + ',Sum( [' + COALESCE(types, '') + ' Count]) ' + '[' + COALESCE(types, '') + ' Count]'   FROM (SELECT DISTINCT types FROM dbo.Type)DT
    SELECT @Headers = LTRIM(STUFF(@Headers, 1, 1, '')) --Remove first comma and space
    print @Headers
    DECLARE @SQLStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' --Variable to hold t-sql query
    --Generate dynamic PIVOT query here
    SET @SQLStatement =
    N'SELECT daynumbers,' + @Headers +
    ' FROM  
    (SELECT *,types+'' Count''[types1] FROM dbo.Type) AS SourceTable
    FOR types IN ('+ @PivotPercount +')  
    ) AS PivotTable
    FOR types1 IN (' + @PivotDaysTotal + ')  
    ) AS PivotTable
    group by
    print @SQLStatement
    --Execute the dynamic t-sql PIVOT query below
    EXEC (@SQLStatement)

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