I'm starting to study VHDL for my University examination and I have a question: which is the difference between a BIT_VECTOR type and an ARRAY OF BIT?
As stated here
The bit_vector is a one-dimensional array type with elements being of type Bit. The bit_vector type is predefined in the Standard package. Syntax:
type bit_vector is array (natural range <>) of bit;
This can also be found in the IEEE1076-2008 standard, section "Predefined array types".
edit: I was not complete. bit_vector
is a predefined (unconstrained) array of bit
. But as a cow is an animal but not every animal is a cow, you can have more types. As VHDL is strongly typed, that means your cannot simply connect different types together without a casting function.
See the example code below:
entity e is end entity;
architecture a of e is
signal s1 : bit_vector(0 downto 0);
type own_bit_vector is array(natural range <>) of bit;
signal s2 : own_bit_vector(0 downto 0);
-- next line doesn't work
--s2 <= s1;
-- "Error: D:/Hdl/BitVector/BitVector.vhd(7):
-- Signal "s1" is type std.STANDARD.BIT_VECTOR;
-- expecting type own_bit_vector."
-- but this is allowed
process(s1) begin
for i in s1'range loop
s2(i) <= s1(i);
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;