My database is used for ecommerce holding data for Creating and updating products online to the likes of Wal Mart and Amazon etc.
I've been working to make the daily work of maintaining listings easier and have added hyperlink buttons that go directly to the listing page on Amazon or Wal Mart etc. Works like a charm.
Recently I created links to go directly to the edit pages for our products, making changes quicker for the staff. Yes, indeed, works like a charm for Wal Mart, not so much for Amazon. I'm fairly certain login credentials are the issue but I've no idea how to go about making this work.
The hyperlink:
It works perfectly when copied and pasted into Chrome. When the FollowHyperlink is used on a button it does not.
I realize you fine folks can't test the link as it requires login info I can't give out. But, can you tell me what might be firing differently with using Followhyperlink as opposed to a copy/paste into browser? Why one would work and the other wouldn't?
The code is simple:
Private Sub Command20_Click()
FollowHyperlink Me.StoreEditLink
End Sub
As an example the Wal Mart link works fine on a button using FollowHyperlink:
Did you try opening the page using Shell Function?
shell("C:\Users\**USERNAME**\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe -url")