I have the following data:
<IfcSpace id="02e6ey$yf0S8C4bZUVTUao" Name="BRA-0101" ObjectPlacement="-0.2448 0.969574 0 0 -0.969574 -0.2448 0 0 0 0 1 0 1.47106e+08 6.61515e+09 29434 1" LongName="TEKNIK" CompositionType="ELEMENT" InteriorOrExteriorSpace="INTERNAL">...</IfcSpace>
Can somebody tell me how I can interpreter the ObjectPlacement part? I need to know what means each number of the attribute. This is a fraction of the code converted from the ifc format to the xml format with the IfcConvert tool from IfcOpenShell
Thanks very much
I am not very familiar with IfcOpenShell, but since the attribute consists out of 16 values my guess would be it is a 4x4 transformation matrix.
a b c d
e f g h
i j k l
m n o p
With your values:
-0.2448 0.969574 0 0
-0.969574 -0.2448 0 0
0 0 1 0
1.47106e+08 6.61515e+09 29434 1
A 4x4 matrix allows for translation rotation and scaling of an object. If you don't know how matrices work then there are loads of tutorials on matrices available online.