Continued on from another question here...
I have a(n excerpt from a) construct query below that is successfully pulling records as desired.
?publication fb:type ?type;
fb:publicationLabel ?publicationLabel;
fb:publicationType ?publicationTypeLabel;
fb:publicationLink ?publicationLink;
?publication a bibo:Document .
?publication rdfs:Label ?publicationLabel .
?publication vitro:mostSpecificType ?publicationType .
?publicationType rdfs:Label ?publicationTypeLabel .
?publication obo:ARG_2000028 ?vcard .
?vcard vcard:hasURL ?urllink .
?urllink vcard:url ?publicationLink
The above query (trimmed down a bit) currently works fine. I’m now trying to add the following variable: fb:linkInternalExists
To this variable, I want to bind the output of a conditional subquery that looks for a value (we’ll say “internal.url” for this example) within all the possible ?publicationLink
values for a specific ?publication
So the RDF output with the desired addition could return something like the following:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="https://abcd.fgh/individual/publication12345">
<fb:publicationLabel>example record 1</fb:publicationLabel>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="https://abcd.fgh/individual/publication23456">
<fb:publicationLabel>example record 2</fb:publicationLabel>
<fb:publicationType>conference paper</fb:publicationType>
My attempts at adding the required subquery to the above, and successfully bind its output to fb:linkInternalExists
, have been unsuccessful. So my question is what would the modified query look like.
Upon trying Jeen Broekstra's approach, the query timed out, but it led me to trying other ways to isolate for the internalLink.
I tried the following instead, pulling both the publicationLink and the internalLink variables from distinct UNIONs.
?publication a bibo:Document.
?publication obo:ARG_2000028 ?vcard.
?vcard vcard:hasURL ?urllink.
?urllink vcard:url ?publicationLink .
?publication a bibo:Document .
?publication obo:ARG_2000028 ?vcard .
?vcard vcard:hasURL/vcard:url ?internalLink .
FILTER(CONTAINS(STR(?internalLink), "internal.url"))
BIND (IF(BOUND(?internalLink), "Yes", "No") as ?internalLinkExists)
This successfully returned values for ?internalLink, and then the BIND added the Yes/No variable. Job done!