Search code examples

What is the attribute in tweepy.Cursor to print tweets before a certain time?

I have specified to extract tweets since a specified date but I also need to extract tweets before a specified date. The since keyword is used to extract tweets since the given date. SO there must be a keyword which extracts tweets before the specified date. What is that keyword and how to use it?

    import tweepy

    import csv

    import pandas as pd

    ####input your credentials here

    consumer_key = ''

    consumer_secret = ''

    access_token = ''

    access_token_secret = ''

    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)

    auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)

    api = tweepy.API(auth,wait_on_rate_limit=True)

    csvFile = open('demon4.csv', 'a')

    csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)

    for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(,q="#unitedAIRLINES",count=100,lang="en",\


        print (tweet.created_at, tweet.text)

        csvWriter.writerow([tweet.created_at, tweet.text.encode('utf-8')])


  • In the "q" parameter you can use "since" and "until" like this :

    q="#unitedAIRLINES since:2017-04-02 until:2017-04-03"

    The result shoud be the same as this advanced search on the official web site :

    Except that with the public search API you just can get 7 days past.

    You can either use a specific tweet id as a starting point. The parameter is "since_id". And a "max_id" to delimit the period. For more information, see :