I would like to know if there is a way to run certain step in Octopus from one version onward.
I see this may be achieved by defining different channels and some "Version Rules", but I think there must be a way to do this by a "Run Condition" on the step.
I saw here that you can compare versions on Octopus.
I would like to define something like this in my "Run Condition":
#{if Octopus.Release.Number > 2.3.15}True{/if}
But I don't know exactly how to write this condition. Please let me know if you can help me.
This is necessary because sometimes we add new packages (+ step) to an existing deployment, but deployments for old releases are still being creating.
Thanks in advance.
The Octostache expressions don't allow logic like this, but you can put that calculation into a script step which outputs a boolean variable that Octostache can evaluat.e