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The callback sequence of viewDidAppear and viewDidDisappear between two view controllers

As I know, there are at least two ways to present a UIViewController on another UIViewController, first is using presentModalViewController:animated: on UIViewController, another is using pushViewController:animated: on UINavigationController, it seems when 2 view controller changing their appearance, the invoke sequence of appear/disappear callbacks are different. Following is an example, A is a UINavigationController, and B is a normal view controller, the actual callback sequence are:
(1) A using presentModalViewController:animated: to show B:

[B viewWillAppear];  
[A viewWillDisappear];  
[B viewDidAppear];  
[A viewDidDisappear];

(2) A using pushViewController:animated: to show B:

[A viewWillDisappear];  
[B viewWillAppear];  
[A viewDidDisappear];  
[B viewDidAppear];

So my question is that, are these different callback sequence stable, or there are no definite sequence we can rely on? If they are stable, is there any document mentions this behavior?


  • UIKit should work on the main thread, so I guess that the sequence is stable, for the current SDK version. However, as long as the behavior is not documented (and it is not to my knowledge), I would consider it subject to change without a notice.

    I'm just curious; why do you need a deterministic sequence of those methods? Perhaps you can find a workaround (which might a better way of doing it).