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Spirit Grammar parse issue

I have the following,

class BATSTradeMsg : public BATSMessageBase

    BATSTradeMsg(int timestamp, char msgtype, uint64_t orderId, char side, uint32_t shares,
                    std::string const &symbol, uint64_t price, uint64_t execId) :
            BATSMessageBase(timestamp, msgtype),

    uint64_t    m_orderId; // Base 36 Numeric values come over the wire in ascii
    char        m_side;
    uint32_t    m_shares;
    std::string m_symbol;
    uint64_t    m_price;
    uint64_t    m_execId; // Base 36 Numeric values come over the wire in ascii


// order and execution ids are 12 characters base 36
qi::uint_parser< uint64_t, 36, 12, 12 > p_orderId;
qi::uint_parser< uint64_t, 36, 12, 12 > p_execId;
qi::uint_parser< uint32_t, 10,  6,  6 > p_shares;
qi::uint_parser< uint32_t, 10, 10, 10 > m_price;
qi::uint_parser< uint32_t, 10,  8,  8 > p_ts;

if (msgtype == BATSTradeMsg::longMsgCode)
    m_wire_msg = ( p_ts >> qi::char_(msgtype)
                        >> p_orderId
                        >> qi::char_(BATSTradeMsg::sideFlag)
                        >> p_shares
                        >> qi::as_string[qi::repeat(8)[qi::char_]]
                        >> m_price
                        >> p_execId )
            [qi::_val = phi::construct<BATSTradeMsg>(
                    qi::_1, qi::_2, qi::_3, qi::_4, qi::_5, qi::_6, qi::_7, qi::_8)];

else if ( msgtype == BATSTradeMsg::shortMsgCode )
    m_wire_msg = ( p_ts >> qi::char_(msgtype)
                        >> p_orderId
                        >> qi::char_(BATSTradeMsg::sideFlag)
                        >> p_shares
                        >> qi::as_string[qi::repeat(6)[qi::char_]]
                        >> m_price
                        >> p_execId )
            [qi::_val = phi::construct<BATSTradeMsg>(
                    qi::_1, qi::_2, qi::_3, qi::_4, qi::_5, qi::_6, qi::_7, qi::_8)];

Basically there are two message types, long and short, with the only difference being the 6th field can be a 6 or 8 character string.

However, i realised that i cannot do something like,

m_wire_msg = ( p_ts >> qi::char_(msgtype)
                        >> p_orderId
                        >> qi::char_(BATSTradeMsg::sideFlag)
                        >> p_shares
                        >> ( qi::as_string[qi::repeat(6)[qi::char_]] | qi::as_string[qi::repeat(8)[qi::char_]])
                        >> m_price
                        >> p_execId )
            [qi::_val = phi::construct<BATSTradeMsg>(
                    qi::_1, qi::_2, qi::_3, qi::_4, qi::_5, qi::_6, qi::_7, qi::_8)];

and have it parse both these message correctly,

"28800168P1K27GA00000YB000300AAPL  00018319001K27GA00000Z"


  • Here's what I'd suggest:

    Data Type

    namespace BATS {
        enum class MessageCode : char { Long = 'r', Short = 'P' };
        struct MessageBase {
            int         timestamp;
            MessageCode msgtype;
        struct TradeMsg : MessageBase {
            uint64_t    orderId; // Base 36 Numeric values come over the wire in ascii
            char        side;
            uint32_t    shares;
            std::string symbol;
            uint64_t    price;
            uint64_t    execId;  // Base 36 Numeric values come over the wire in ascii

    Then use simple Fusion adaptation instead of semantic actions¹:

    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(BATS::TradeMsg, timestamp, msgtype, orderId, side, shares, symbol, price, execId)


    The parser then basically becomes:

    I assumed "side" could be "B" or "S" (for Buy or Sell).

    template <typename It> 
    struct Parser : qi::grammar<It, BATS::TradeMsg()> {
        Parser() : Parser::base_type(r_wire_msg) {
            // see below
                = r_long_wire_msg
                | r_short_wire_msg
        // order and execution ids are 12 characters base 36
        qi::uint_parser<uint64_t, 36, 12, 12> p_orderId;
        qi::uint_parser<uint64_t, 36, 12, 12> p_execId;
        qi::uint_parser<uint32_t, 10,  6,  6> p_shares;
        qi::uint_parser<uint32_t, 10, 10, 10> p_price;
        qi::uint_parser<uint32_t, 10,  8,  8> p_ts;
        qi::rule<It, BATS::TradeMsg()> r_wire_msg, r_long_wire_msg, r_short_wire_msg;

    Of course the two sub-rules are very similar:

                 = p_ts 
                >> qi::char_(BATS::MessageCode::Long)
                >> p_orderId
                >> qi::char_("BS")
                >> p_shares
                >> qi::as_string[qi::repeat(8)[qi::char_]]
                >> p_price
                >> p_execId 
                 = p_ts 
                >> qi::char_(BATS::MessageCode::Short)
                >> p_orderId
                >> qi::char_("BS")
                >> p_shares
                >> qi::as_string[qi::repeat(6)[qi::char_]]
                >> p_price
                >> p_execId 

    Demo Program

    Here's 3 test cases dissected:

    1. the "short" example from the question (ERROR)
    2. my attempted fix of the "short" example
    3. the "long" example from the question

    Live On Coliru

    int main() {
        using It = std::string::const_iterator;
        Parser<It> const parser;
        for (std::string const input : {
                "28800168P1K27GA00000YB000300AAPL  00018319001K27GA00000Z",
                "28800168r1K27GA00000YB000300AAPLSPOT00018319001K27GA00000Z" })
            std::cout << "Input: " << std::quoted(input) << "\n";
            It f = begin(input), l = end(input);
            BATS::TradeMsg msg;
            if (parse(f, l, parser, msg)) {
                std::cout << "Parsed\n";
            } else {
                std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
            if (f!=l)
                std::cout << "Remaining data: " << std::quoted(std::string(f,l), '\'') << "\n";


    Input: "28800168P1K27GA00000YB000300AAPL  00018319001K27GA00000Z"
    Input: "28800168r1K27GA00000YB000300AAPLSPOT00018319001K27GA00000Z"

    ¹ Boost Spirit: "Semantic actions are evil"? <-- note, that's the title of a question