Given a large library of SendGrid templates, how does one move them to a different SendGrid account in one click, say for a test environment?
Does not appear to be possible out of the box. The following C# code will get the job done via the API.
Code uses the following nuggets: NewtonSoft Json.NET, SendGrid API Client.
One big caveat: template IDs will be different after the migration. Does not appear to be a way to preserve them.
public ActionResult MigrateSendGridTemplates() {
var fromClient = new SendGridClient("full access api key"); //full access key
var toClient = new SendGridClient("full access api key"); //full access key - assume blank slate
//fetch all existing templates
var templatesRaw = fromClient.RequestAsync(SendGridClient.Method.GET, null, null, "templates").Result;
var templates = templatesRaw.DeserializeResponseBody(templatesRaw.Body);
var templatesEnumerable = ((IEnumerable)templates.First().Value).Cast<dynamic>().Reverse();
foreach (var template in templatesEnumerable)
//fetch template with versions attached
var templateWithVerisonRaw = fromClient.RequestAsync(SendGridClient.Method.GET, null, null, $"templates/{}").Result;
var templateWithVersion = templateWithVerisonRaw.DeserializeResponseBody(templateWithVerisonRaw.Body);
//create template on the new account
var templateNewRaw = toClient.RequestAsync(SendGridClient.Method.POST, templateWithVerisonRaw.Body.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, null, "templates").Result;
var activeVersion = ((IEnumerable)templateWithVersion["versions"]).Cast<dynamic>().Where(v =>;
if (activeVersion == null)
continue; //this template does not have any versions to migrate
//create template version on new account
var templateNewId = templateNewRaw.DeserializeResponseBody(templateNewRaw.Body)["id"];
var templateSerialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(activeVersion, Formatting.None);
var templateVersionNewRaw = toClient.RequestAsync(SendGridClient.Method.POST, templateSerialized, null, $"templates/{templateNewId}/versions").Result;
return Content($"Processed {templatesEnumerable.Count()} templates.");
What follows from this, is that your code should not rely on template IDs if you want your code to work across different sendgrid accounts. Instead, you can build a lookup dictionary and refer to your templates by their friendly names, like so:
public static Dictionary<string, string> GetSendGridTemplates()
var templatesRaw = Persistent.ConfiguredSendGridClient.RequestAsync(SendGridClient.Method.GET, null, null, "templates").Result;
var templates = templatesRaw.DeserializeResponseBody(templatesRaw.Body);
var templatesEnumerable = ((IEnumerable)templates.First().Value).Cast<dynamic>();
var results = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (dynamic template in templatesEnumerable)
var activeVersion = ((IEnumerable)template.versions).Cast<dynamic>().Where(v =>;
if (activeVersion == null)
continue; //skip this one
results.Add((string), (string);
return results;
Sample result:
reactivated_121519737023655 -> "03e2b62f-51ed-43d0-b140-42bc98a448f6" deactivated_11519736715430 -> "fb3e781b-5e67-45de-a958-bf0cd2682004"