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What is the proper syntax to bind a typedef type using pybind11?

I have a struct very similar to this:

struct data_point
    data_point() = delete;
    data_point(const int& data) :

    int m_data;

I also have this type declared as such.

typedef std::vector<data_point> data_list;

The binding for this struct is defined:

PYBIND11_MODULE(data_lib, ref)
    py::class_<data_point> dp(ref, "data_point");
    dp.def(py::init<const int&>());
    dp.def_readwrite("m_data", &data_point::m_data);

How do I define a binding for the typedef list type? Its not clear to me how to do this in the pybind documentation.


  • For this specific issue, pybind will automatically interpret an std::vector type as a python list when you include "pybind11/stl.h" . Thus, a binding for this type is unnecessary.


    #include "pybind11.h"
    #include "pybind11/stl.h"
    struct data_point
        data_point() = delete;
        data_point(const int& data) :
        int m_data;
    std::vector<data_point> make_vec(){
        return {data_point(20), data_point(18)};
    PYBIND11_MODULE(data_lib, ref)
        py::class_<data_point> dp(ref, "data_point");
        dp.def(py::init<const int&>());
        dp.def_readwrite("m_data", &data_point::m_data);
        ref.def("make_vec", &make_vec, "A function that returns a vector of data_points");

    In python, when you import the data_lib library you will be able to use functions that return lists of data_point.

    import data_lib
    p = data_lib.make_vec()
    print len(p)

    output: 2