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ES6/TypeScript import and Angular

There's something I'm not sure to understand with ES6 module import and Angular (although it's not restrcited to Angular)

When I'm importing a component like this :

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

Ok I'm importing the Component class from @angular/core package.

But if I go to node_modules : there's no Component class file at the root of @angular/core. I can see some bundle, esm5, esm2015 and src packages and also files like core.d.ts at the root. How the module loader manages to understand where this Component is located ?



  • When you importing @angular/core module, it will look for package.json in the module root that is node_modules/@angular/core folder. And then look for main property which is the main entry point of the module. This is the file you want.

    enter image description here