I have to compute the logarithm of a 3x3 matrix (A) in a Fortran 77 program.
In Python I used
for this job but I don´t find a solution for this task in Fortran.
So far I figured out that this operation is not possible with the built-in functions of Fortran 77. Also I searched in the documentation of the Intel Math Kernel Library, but haven´t found a suitable subroutine. I found the subroutine F01EJ in the NAG Fortran Library, but unfortunatly I have no access to this commercial library. I know the papers of Higham et al., but I would like to avoid to implement the algorithms by myself since I think that this must be a solved problem.
Can anyone provide me with a hint to a subroutine that calculates the matrix logarithm?
I have implemented a subroutine for the logarithm of a 3x3 matrix according to the way proposed by @kvantour and it worked out fine for me. Maybe the (not very pretty) quick and dirty code of the subroutine is useful for others with the same problem:
subroutine calclogM(M,logM)
implicit none
double precision,dimension(3,3)::M,logM,VL,VR,logMapo,VRinv
double precision,dimension(3)::WR,WI,logWR,ipiv
double precision,dimension(24)::WORK
call DGEEV( 'N', 'V', n, M, n, WR, WI, VL, n, VR,
C Check if all eigenvalues are greater than zero
if (WR(1) .le. 0.D0) then
write(*,*) 'Unable to compute matrix logarithm!'
GOTO 111
end if
if (WR(2) .le. 0.D0) then
write(*,*) 'Unable to compute matrix logarithm!'
GOTO 111
end if
if (WR(3) .le. 0.D0) then
write(*,*) 'Unable to compute matrix logarithm!'
GOTO 111
end if
DO I = 1, 3
DO J = 1, 3
logMapo(I,J) = 0.D0
C Then Mapo will be a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements
C are eigenvalues of M. Replace each diagonal element of Mapo by its
C (natural) logarithm in order to obtain logMapo.
DO I = 1, 3
C Calculate inverse of V with LU Factorisation
C Copy VR to VRinv
DO I = 1, 3
DO J = 1, 3
VRinv(I,J) = VR(I,J)
call dgetrf( n, n, VRinv, n, ipiv, info )
write(*,*) 'INFO',INFO
call dgetri( n, VRinv, n, ipiv, WORK, LWORK, INFO )
write(*,*) 'INFO',INFO
C Build the logM Matrix
logM = matmul(matmul(VR,logMapo),VRinv)
111 end subroutine calclogM
In order to compute the logarithm of a matrix, you need to compute the eigenvalues λ{1,2,3} of your original matrix. If all your eigenvalues are bigger then ZERO
, then you can compute the logarithm.
So the steps I would take are :
of the eigenvalues.Simple methods to compute the eigenvector and eigenvalues of a matrix can be found in numerical recipes (check the old book section). More advanced methods can be based on blas and lapack - you are interested in the routine dgeev.
The best way would be to attempt to implement the eigendecomposition yourself as it is just a 3x3 matrix.