I have a scripted NuGet push that refuses to push my NuGet package:
"%NUGET%" push *.nupkg -Source "%NUGETREPO%"
The error I encounter is:
'2.0.20180607160057-jenkins' is not a valid version string.
Parametername: value
While writing the question I dug down the rabbit hole to an obvious end.
The relevant implementation is here https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet2/ ... /src/Core/SemanticVersion.cs
When I feed 2.0.20180607160057-jenkins
into an online Regex Tester
The string passes both regex tests. The online regex even allows me to toggle Ignore Case
and Explicit Capture
The next deeper level is in
Version.TryParse(match.Groups["Version"].Value, out versionValue)
The System.Version.TryParse
is documented here.
No Version can be smaller than 0
or bigger than Int32.MaxValue
So this particular failure boils down to
2147483647 < 20180607160057
fairly intuitive actually - and I need a different scheme to generate my patch level for nuget.