I want to create a calculated column in Spotfire which sum the value until a certain point such that it starts over again summing the values. See below example. When there is a value in the Stocks column, the sum of the Volumes needs to restart again from that point etc.
Breaking it down, you can accomplish this by
1- Calculate a column which groups rows based on the previous non null Stocks row [Group]
last(case when [Stocks] is not null then [Date] end) OVER (allPrevious([Date]))
2- Create a Hierarchy contatining the grouping and date [Gp_Date_Hr]
[Group] AS [Group],
[Date] AS [Date]
3- Calculate your desired value
Sum([Volume]) OVER (Intersect(Parent([Hierarchy.Gp_Date_Hr]),AllPrevious([Hierarchy.Gp_Date_Hr])))