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How to correctly write a unit test for controllers methods in Laravel 5.5?

Please check the code I used to in my controller:

class ObjectsPagesController extends Controller
    public function destroy(Destroy $destroy, $id)
        $objectsPage = ObjectsPages::with( 'ObjectsPagesRelation')->where('group_id', $id)->first();
        if (isset($objectsPage)) {

            return redirect()->route('objects.pages.index')->with('success', 'done');  


On my request page, I wrote the codes below:

class Destroy extends FormRequest
    public function authorize()
        return Auth::user()->can('del_objects_pages');
    public function rules()
        return [

I try the artisan command like below

php artisan make:test Pages --unit`

But a clear instruction could not be found for laravel 5.5 what to do next?


  • <?php 
      class StoreObjectPageTest extends TestCase
        public function testStoreObjectIsCreated()
            $this->assertDatabaseHas('store_objects', [
                // The attributes of a row you're expecting to see in DB