I am subclassing a class with a large number of methods and long docstrings. If I call the IPython help function I see all the help of the original class. I guess this is expected, is there a way to suppress this? I'd like to see only the methods I redefined.
import matplotlib.axes
class MySubclass(matplotlib.axes.Axes):
If I do in IPython:
import mymodule
The printout is huge because it contains all of the "Methods inherited from matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes:" which is megabytes of text because it lists the docstrings of all the methods of the class.
As discussed here, a possible working solution would be to remove the doc manually
## List the methods from the original class
method_list = [func for func in dir(mymodule.MySubclass) if \
callable(getattr(mymodule.MySubclass, func))]
## Remove doc for methods
for func in method_list:
## Change only original user defined methods
if ("_" not in el[0:2]):
original_method = getattr(mymodule.MySubclass, func)
setattr(original_method, "__doc__", "")
This could be easily encapsulated in a decorator, and called when instantiating the subclass or importing the module.