I have looked at the below links to see how to convert PNG
to JPG
The conversion works as expected, but when the image color itself is not black! I have the below image:
And the code is:
im.convert('RGB').save('test.jpg', 'JPEG')
It makes the whole picture black. How should I convert this PNG in correct format and color? The color can be anything from black to white.
Convert it like this, only thing to do is find out which backgroundcolor to set:
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open(r"C:\pathTo\pen.png")
fill_color = (120,8,220) # your new background color
im = im.convert("RGBA") # it had mode P after DL it from OP
if im.mode in ('RGBA', 'LA'):
background = Image.new(im.mode[:-1], im.size, fill_color)
background.paste(im, im.split()[-1]) # omit transparency
im = background