I have been at a loss understanding the use of parentheses in django-viewflow flow code. For example in the code below
start = (
# clerk
split_clerk_warehouse = (
from here
It seems as though, a tuple containing functions is assigned to start and to split_clerk_warehouse e.t.c. What does it mean. From my best guess it would seem that the .Next
functions accept a tuple as input.
NOTE I do understand the method chaining used here. I am just at a loss to understand the use of braces.
If I understand correctly, you wonder what the use is of the outer brackets.
Let us first write the (first, but applicable to the second) statement without outer brackets:
start = flow.Start(views.StartView).Permission('shipment.can_start_request').Next(this.split_clerk_warehouse)
This is exactly equivalent to code in your sample. But you probably agree that this is quite unreadable. It requires a user to scroll over the code, and furthermore it is a long chain of characters, without any structure. A programmer would have a hard time understanding it, especially if - later - we would also use brackets inside the parameters of calls.
So perhaps it would make sense to write it like:
start = flow.Start(views.StartView).
But this will not work: Python is a language that uses spacing as a way to attach semantics on code. As a result it will break: Python will try to parse the separate linkes as separate statements. But then what to do with the tailing dot? As a result the parser would error.
Now Python has some ways to write statements in a multi-line fashion. For example with backslashes:
start = flow.Start(views.StartView). \
Permission('shipment.can_start_request'). \
with the backslash we specify that the next line actually belongs to the current one, and thus it is parsed like we wrote this all on a single line.
The disadvantage is that we easily can forget a backslash here, and this would again let the parser error. Furthermore this requires linear work: for every line we have to add one element.
But programming languages actually typically have a feature that programmers constantly use to group (sub)expressions together: brackets. We use it to give precedence (for example 3 * (2 + 5)
), but we can use it to simply group one expression over multiple lines as well, like:
start = (
Everything that is within the brackets belongs to the same expression, so Python will ignore the new lines.
Note that tuple literals also use brackets. For example:
() # empty tuple
(1, ) # singleton tuple (one element)
(1, 'a', 2, 5) # 4-tuple
But here we need to write a comma at the end for a singleton tuple, or multiple elements separated by comma's ,
(except for the empty tuple).