This is follow up question to Compare two large files which is answerd by phihag
I want to display the count of lines which are different after comparing two files. Want to display if after program completion as a message by saying count of lines are in difference.
My try:
with open(file2) as b:
blines = set(b)
with open(file1) as a:
with open(file3, 'w') as result:
for line in a:
if line not in blines:
lines_to_write = []
with open(file2) as b:
blines = set(b)
with open(file1) as a:
lines_to_write = [l for l in a if l not in blines]
print('count of lines are in difference:', len(lines_to_write))
If you can load everything into memory, you can perform the following operations on sets:
union = set(alines).union(blines)
intersection = set(alines).intersection(blines)
unique = union - intersection
EDIT: Even simpler (and faster) is: