I'm creating the following method via S4
#' @name +
#' @title Expand outputs
#' @description
#' Operator outputs of function 'create'
#' @return expanded creation
#' @exportMethod +
#' @aliases +
#' @export
setGeneric('+', function(dt, ...) standardGeneric('+'))
setMethod('+', signature(dt = 'data.table'), function(dt, out) {
return(create(dt, out))
I put the following into my R package. When I run devtools::document()
, I run into the following problem:
Error in setGeneric("+", function(dt, ...) standardGeneric("+")) :
‘+’ dispatches internally; methods can be defined, but the generic function is implicit, and cannot be changed.
This appears to be a fatal error, and I cannot create documentation otherwise.
(1) What does this error mean? I'm unsure how I'm supposed to debug this.
(2) When creating an R package, what would be the correct way to work with this error? Should I create the documentation first with another name besides +
and then change this afterwards?
As a builtin function, the definition of the generic +
cannot be changed, as the error message says. Much of R would break if you did redefine it this way.
is defined to have two arguments, e1
and e2
. Using this framework, you can modify your example to be
setMethod('+', signature(e1 = 'data.table', e2='ANY'), function(dt, out) {
return(create(dt, out))
One thing to note is that e1
is always the first argument, even if argument names are used. so "+"(e2=A,e1=B)
is equal to A+B
, not B+A