I have the following data frame:
Date Value1 Value2
01-01-01 01 01
02-01-01 02 00
03-01-01 03 01
04-01-01 04 101
On this data frame I would like to select just the rows having Value2==0 and Value2>=100
For that, I use the following command:
data.loc[(data['Value2'] == 0) & (data['Value2'] >= 100)]
Which return me an empty DataFrame. I don't really understand why because when I used separately:
data.loc[(data['Value2'] == 0)]
data.loc[(data['Value2'] >= 100)
It returns the corrected values. Does anyone knows how to implement this 2 conditions selection?
For you actual input the correct output is empty DataFrame
. The conditions
(data['Value2'] == 0) & (data['Value2'] >= 100)
can't be simultaneous true. Use or
operator instead.
(data['Value2'] == 0) | (data['Value2'] >= 100)
Date Value1 Value2
02-01-01 02 00
04-01-01 04 101