I have this code:
struct MyPackageData: Codable {
let versionDate: String
let photosSizes, packshotsSizes, inspirationsPhotoSizes, conceptsSlidesSizes: [String: Int]
let tipsSlidesSizes, leafletsSlidesSizes, leafletsPdfSlidesSizes: [String: Int]
func downloadImagesTipsSlides(toDownloads: MyPackageData, savedURL: String){
do {
let dateToParse = toDownloads.tipsSlidesSizes
for photo in dateToParse {
let fileNamePhoto = photo.key
let checkLocalCopyFileIsAvailable = checkLocalFileCopyIsAvailable(fileName: (AppGlobalManager.sharedManager.loggedUser?.selectedLanguage)! + "/" + FileFolders.GET_TIPS_SLIDES.rawValue + "/" + "\(fileNamePhoto)")
if checkLocalCopyFileIsAvailable == false {
let productImageUrl : URL = URL(string: "\(ApiConstans.fullPath)?action=\(FileFolders.GET_TIPS_SLIDES.rawValue)&name=\(fileNamePhoto)&resolution=FHD&lang=" + (AppGlobalManager.sharedManager.loggedUser?.getUserLanguageUrl())!)!
remoteResource(at: productImageUrl, fileSize: photo.value) { (isImage) in
if isImage == false {
if isImage == true {
self.saveDownloadImages(fileInternetUrl: productImageUrl, fileName: "\(fileNamePhoto)", savedURL: savedURL)
} else {
print("I have photo \(fileNamePhoto) - nie robię nic")
func remoteResource(at url: URL, fileSize: Int, isImage: @escaping ((Bool) -> Void)) {
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
if let data = data, let image = UIImage(data: data) {
if let _ = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0) {
} else if let _ = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) {
} else {
} else {
isImage(true) // remove
func saveDownloadImages(fileInternetUrl: URL, fileName: String, savedURL: String){
let documentsDir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let fullImagesPath = documentsDir.appendingPathComponent(savedURL)
let cms = ServerConnect()
print("XX \(fullImagesPath)")
cms.downloadedFileFromInternet(fileInternetUrl: fileInternetUrl, saveToPath: fullImagesPath, fileName: fileName, completion: { (data) in
switch data {
case .succes:
case .error(let error):
//self.errorLoginMessage(txt: "MainView - Error 110: Problem with download images. \(error)", title: "Blad".localized())
When I error: Thread 7: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
in line:
let productImageUrl : URL = URL(string: "\(ApiConstans.fullPath)?action=\(FileFolders.GET_TIPS_SLIDES.rawValue)&name=\(fileNamePhoto)&resolution=FHD&lang=" + (AppGlobalManager.sharedManager.loggedUser?.getUserLanguageUrl())!)!
My debug console:
(source: home.pl)
I have problem with file with name: - wolność ogłoszenia.jpg - Wydajność wagowa___004.jpg
With filename with normal name: 1.jpg, 139485.jpg, 14383.jpg - this code works correctly.
The above code is to download photos from the internet and save them to the device's memory. Files with no special names work correctly.
I can not change the file name on the server.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Don't force unwrap things you will save so many common crashes.
let productImageUrl : URL = URL(string: "\(ApiConstans.fullPath)?action=\(FileFolders.GET_TIPS_SLIDES.rawValue)&name=\(fileNamePhoto)&resolution=FHD&lang=" + (AppGlobalManager.sharedManager.loggedUser?.getUserLanguageUrl())!)!
This String
is not a URL
. Unwrap using guard let/ if let
guard let languageUrl = AppGlobalManager.sharedManager.loggedUser?.getUserLanguageUrl(), let urlString = "\(ApiConstans.fullPath)?action=\(FileFolders.GET_TIPS_SLIDES.rawValue)&name=\(fileNamePhoto)&resolution=FHD&lang=\(languageUrl)".addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlFragmentAllowed), let productImageUrl = URL(string: urlString) else {
print("Problem in converting string to URL")
In simple words your String
should have "http://" or "https://"
in the beginning to convert that String
to URL
. For something in document directory you add "file://"