Looked around a lot to find the answer to my question but I'm pretty stuck.
I'm trying to bulk render some pdfs using rmarkdown::render in a script but it keeps giving me this error:
! Use of \@array doesn't match its definition.
\new@ifnextchar ...served@d = #1\def \reserved@a {
#2}\def \reserved@b {#3}\f...
l.85 ...2in}|>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{4in}}
Error: Failed to compile C:/Users/cmykim/Desktop/stackoverflow/testfile.tex.
See testfile.log for more info.
In addition: Warning messages:
1: running command '"pdflatex" -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode
"C:/Users/cmykim/Desktop/stackoverflow/testfile.tex"' had status 1
2: running command '"pdflatex" -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode
"C:/Users/cmykim/Desktop/stackoverflow/testfile.tex"' had status 1
However, when I run the .Rmd file itself, it produces a PDF without issue.
I created an example that gives me the error below:
rmarkdown file:
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
## Packages
dat <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
id = c(1L, 2L, 3L),
name = c("bob", "sam", "jane"),
question1 = c("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "consectetur adipiscing",
"Integer quis")
dat <- dat %>% slice(1) %>% gather("key", "value")
```{r echo=FALSE}
dat %>%
kable("latex", col.names = NULL) %>%
# making column 2 4 inches wide
column_spec(2, width = "4in") %>%
# making column 1 2 inches wide
column_spec(1, width = "2in")
r script:
rmarkdown::render(input =
output_format = "pdf_document",
output_file = "testfile.pdf",
output_dir = "C:\\Users\\cmykim\\Desktop\\stackoverflow")
I installed tinytex hoping it would fix it but it does not.
Any help would be appreciated!
On my machine I added the following to the YAML commands and it works: