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Autovacuum config on Azure Postgresql

I am trying to change some global settings below for auto-vacuum on an Azure Database for PostgreSQL instance.

select * from pg_settings where name like 'autovacuum%'

Say if I want to change the scale factor with

ALTER SYSTEM SET autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.1;

I get ERROR: must be superuser to execute ALTER SYSTEM command SQL state: 42501

Is there a way to update these configuration values?


  • This Stack Overflow post covers the 'superuser' role with Azure Database for PostgreSQL: Can't create a PostgreSQL Superuser role to get an Application installed and running

    With that, and in looking at the available Server Parameters, there is no way to change the unlisted parameters or make changes that require Superuser privileges.

    I suggest you go to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL User Voice and make a recommendation.

    Regards, Mike