I have a base table called users which holds all common information about a user such as name, address, phone number...etc
I have another table called clients which holds specific information about a client (such as the client's company name and their url) and inherits user information from the users table. A client has a foreign key user_id which maps back to the information about a user.
I have another table called client_admins which hold specific information about client_admins and also has a user_id field AND a client_id field (which links to the clients table).
I have another table called super_admins which links to the users table and has specific information about a Super admin.
I know I could probably get away with Single Table Inheritance as there is not a lot of different data between each of the types, just different functionality and privileges.
What is the best way to model this in Rails 3?
Inside your user model:
has_one :client
has_one :client_admin
has_one :super_admin
Inside your client model:
belongs_to :user
has_one :client_admin
Inside your client_admin model:
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :client
Inside your super_admin model:
belongs_to :user