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Angular: how to make NgControl react to valueChanges only of the host <input>

I am using a directive on an <input>-element and get a reference to its controls like this:

@ContentChild(NgControl) private readonly _inputNgControl: NgControl;

But when I listen to model-changes like so:

  ngAfterContentInit(): void {
      .subscribe(value => {
         // ...

it appears that this._inputNgControl.control refers not to the input that the directive is sitting on, but to ALL inputs in my parent component (which contains multiple <input>-elements with the same directive) because I get changes from all of those inputs in the parent and not only the one where I typed something.

So how can I filter the valueChange's of only the active input? Do I need to use the constructor to inject it, will that make the NgControl local instead of global? Or do I need to implement VALUE_ACCESSOR myself with forwardRef (which is what NgControl is doing as far as I understand it)?

The least clean solution would be passing an id to the directive and make

.filter(() => this._directiveId ===

so I want to avoid that if possible.


  • What helped was to use HostListener. I have been using HostListener so far only to handle native browser events, like listening to keyboard actions or mouse scrolling, but I had no idea you can use them to get access to the outputs of the host element (thus the name host listener, duh!) as well:

    @HostListener('ngModelChange', ['$event'])
    onModelChange(value: string | number) { this.modelChange$.next(value); }

    And then in the component with the ContentChild:

      selector: input-wrapper',
      template: `<ng-content></ng-content>`
    export class InputWrapperComponent implements AfterContentInit {
      @ContentChild(InputControllerDirective) private _icd: InputControllerDirective;
      ngAfterContentInit() {
        this._icd.modelChange$.subscribe((value: string | number) => {
           // do sth.