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Deserialize a Firebase Data-Snapshot to a Kotlin data class

Hi I have a Kotlin data class as follows

data class User (
        @get:Exclude val gUser: Boolean,
        @get:Exclude val uid: String,
        @get:PropertyName("display_name") val displayName: String,
        @get:PropertyName("email") val email: String,
        @get:PropertyName("account_picture_url") val accountPicUrl: String,
        @get:PropertyName("provider") val provider: String

I am able to serialize the object without an issues. But i'm having trouble deserializing the object when doing a firebase query. Currently this is what i'm doing to get the data

            .addListenerForSingleValueEvent(object : ValueEventListener {
        override fun onCancelled(p0: DatabaseError) {


        override fun onDataChange(p0: DataSnapshot) {
            if (p0.exists()) {
                val userHash = p0.value as HashMap<*, *>
                var currentUser: User
                if (userHash[getString(R.string.provider_key)]
                        != getString(R.string.provider_google)) {
                    currentUser = User(false, p0.key!!, 
                } else {
                    currentUser = User(true, p0.key!!, 


This is only a test project that i'm working on to practice my Kotlin, but this is something I would like to figure out.

If i'm doing it completely wrong please let me know, any advise would be greatly appreciated



  • Firebase needs an empty constructor to be able to deserialize the objects:

    data class User(
            @Exclude val gUser: Boolean,
            @Exclude val uid: String,
            @PropertyName("display_name") val displayName: String,
            @PropertyName("email") val email: String,
            @PropertyName("account_picture_url") val accountPicUrl: String,
            @PropertyName("provider") val provider: String
    ) {
        constructor() : this(false, "", "", "", "", "")

    You can either declare it like so and provide some default values to be able to call the primary constructor or you can declare default values for all your parameters:

    data class User (
            @Exclude val gUser: Boolean = false,
            @Exclude val uid: String = "",
            @PropertyName("display_name") val displayName: String = "",
            @PropertyName("email") val email: String = "",
            @PropertyName("account_picture_url") val accountPicUrl: String = "",
            @PropertyName("provider") val provider: String = ""

    Then various constructors will be created for you, including an empty constructor.

    If there's a problem with serialization there might be because of the getters and setters generated by the ide, try reinforcing them with @get and @set annotations:

    data class User (
            @Exclude val gUser: Boolean = false,
            @Exclude val uid: String = "",
            var displayName: String = "",
            @PropertyName("email") val email: String = "",
            var accountPicUrl: String = "",
            @PropertyName("provider") val provider: String = ""