Search code examples

Table aggregation using linq (calculate Average value)

How to Aggregate below table using linq query

Date                tagname                                 value
06-06-2018 14:15:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   54.73497
06-06-2018 14:15:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   3.417564
06-06-2018 14:15:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   94.82829
06-06-2018 14:15:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   15.08091
06-06-2018 14:15:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   3.6422
06-06-2018 14:15:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   5.078211
06-06-2018 14:15:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   68.00956
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   94.6864
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   32.43211
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   65.16206
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   81.18947
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   4.419947
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   95.77668
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   10.43907
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   79.12902
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   62.20364
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   97.43433
06-06-2018 14:30:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   25.74978
06-06-2018 14:45:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   50.49747
06-06-2018 14:45:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   65.33123
06-06-2018 14:45:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   18.90912
06-06-2018 14:45:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   55.9916
06-06-2018 14:45:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   23.86106
06-06-2018 14:45:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)   18.72116
06-06-2018 14:45:00 Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(5)   0.06596069

expected result should be like

only distinct tagname per timeslot with avegate value into that slot,

e.g. output should be

06-06-2018 14:15:00  Poll.Register Block 0.310-PT-304(4) "Value should be avg"
06-06-2018 14:15:00  Poll.Register Block 0.310-PT-304(5) "Value should be avg"
06-06-2018 14:30:00  Poll.Register Block 0.310-PT-304(4) "Value should be avg"
06-06-2018 14:30:00  Poll.Register Block 0.310-PT-304(5) "Value should be avg"
06-06-2018 14:45:00  Poll.Register Block 0.310-PT-304(4) "Value should be avg"
06-06-2018 14:45:00  Poll.Register Block 0.310-PT-304(5) "Value should be avg"

--- EDIT -- These are couple of queries I've tried..

var g = (from x in ObjEntities.TagDataValues
                             where x.ValueDateTime >= FromDate && x.ValueDateTime <= EndDate && MachineName.Contains(x.MachineName) && ServerName.Contains(x.ServerName) && Tags.Contains(x.TagName)

                             select new
                                 TagName = x.TagName,
                                 MachineName = x.MachineName,
                                 ServerName = x.ServerName,
                                 TagValue = x.TagValue,
                                 DtTime = x.ValueDateTime
                             }).ToList().GroupBy(cd => new
                                 date = cd.DtTime.AddSeconds(-cd.DtTime.Second).AddMinutes(-cd.DtTime.Minute % 15),
                                 tagname = cd.TagName,
                                 tagvalue = cd.TagValue
                             }).ToList().Select(o => new
                                 Date =,
                                 tagname = o.Key.tagname,
                                 value = o.Key.tagvalue
                             }).ToList().GroupBy(tr => tr.tagname).Select(x => new {
                                TagName = x.Key,
                                Value = x.Average(gf => gf.value),
                                Date = x.Select(gf => gf.Date).Distinct()

var g = (from x in ObjEntities.TagDataValues
                             where x.ValueDateTime >= FromDate && x.ValueDateTime <= EndDate && MachineName.Contains(x.MachineName) && ServerName.Contains(x.ServerName) && Tags.Contains(x.TagName)

                             select new
                                 TagName = x.TagName,
                                 MachineName = x.MachineName,
                                 ServerName = x.ServerName,
                                 TagValue = x.TagValue,
                                 DtTime = x.ValueDateTime
                             }).ToList().GroupBy(cd => new
                                 date = cd.DtTime.AddSeconds(-cd.DtTime.Second).AddMinutes(-cd.DtTime.Minute % 15),
                                 tagname = cd.TagName,
                                 tagvalue = cd.TagValue
                             }).ToList().Select(o => new
                                 Date =,
                                 tagname = o.Key.tagname,
                                 value = o.Key.tagvalue
                             }).ToList().GroupBy(tr => new {
                                TagName = tr.tagname,
                                DateTime = tr.Date
                             } ).Select(x => new {
                                TagName = x.Key,
                                Value = x.Average(gf => gf.value),
                                Date = x.Key.DateTime

I'm new to LINQ, so not able to pull proper result..

I've written sql query for same, its give perfect result as of

declare @StartDate DateTime = CAST('06/06/2018 14:26:56' AS datetime) declare @EndDate DateTime = CAST('06/06/2018 14:32:56' AS datetime) SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar, ValueDateTime, 113) as MINUTE , avg(TagDataValue.TagValue) Value, TagName FROM TagDataValue WHERE ValueDateTime >=  @StartDate AND ValueDateTime <= @EndDate and TagName in ('Poll.Registers Block 0.310-PT-304_(4)','Poll.Registers Block
0.310-PT-304_(5)') GROUP BY CONVERT(nvarchar, ValueDateTime, 113) , TagName

This query gives perfect result but since code is in linq not able to use this query or able to convert the same.

Any help pls..


  • Grouping by DateTimes is always tricky as many functions available at C# are not available when generating SQL code and probably can cause problems.

    As I have no way to reproduce your environment, I have created some example based only linq. You probably will have to recreated using TruncateTime so that it runs fully at DB level.

    var g = entityList
                    .Where(x => x.ValueDateTime >= FromDate && x.ValueDateTime <= ToDate && MachineNames.Contains(x.MachineName))
                    .Select(x => new
                        quarterDateTime = x.ValueDateTime
                                           .AddMinutes(-x.ValueDateTime.Minute % 15),
                    .GroupBy( x => new { x.quarterDateTime, x.MachineName })
                    .Select( x => new {  x.Key.quarterDateTime, x.Key.MachineName, AverageValue = x.Average(p => p.Value) })
                    .OrderBy( x => x.quarterDateTime )

    I would say, that probably the 1st Select and GroupBy can be merged, but I left separated for better readibility.

    Refer to this for more information about TruncateTime.