We noticed an issue after an upgrade to grails 3 that we were saving mongoDB documents with both _id
and id
. (example document below)
How do we stop the saving of id
? This happens for every collection the application creates and updates documents for.
"_id" : ObjectId("5b0ed1b710b3641a98aaee63"),
"value" : "testing",
"type" : "testingCreate",
"updateDate" : ISODate("2018-05-30T16:30:39.987Z"),
"updateUser" : "TSTUSR",
"id" : ObjectId("5b0ed1b710b3641a98aaee63")
The save is being called from the following
def test = new AppParam(type: "testingCreate",
updateUser: "TSTUSR",
updateDate: new Date(),
value: "testing")
test.save(failOnError:true, flush:true)
for the appParam domain of
class AppParam {
ObjectId id
String type
String value
String updateUser
Date updateDate
static mapWith = "mongo"
static mapping = {
version false
writeConcern WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED
static constraints = {
type size: 1..50, matches:/^[^<>]{1,50}$/, validator: { field, obj ->
if (!field.trim()) return ['typeRequired']
return true
value size: 1..2000, matches:/^[^<>]{1,2000}$/, validator: { field, obj ->
if (!field.trim()) return ['valueRequired']
return true
We are using grailsVersion 3.2.11 and gormVersion 6.1.7.RELEASE
Did a bit more research into Mike W's comment after Grails 3.X it should be defaulting the mongodb engine to codec and we were manually defaulting the mongodb.engine = "mapping".