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job scheduling in windows pc

When I submitting to job I am using the following format

My questions are follows

1) Can I use my personal pc to execetute simulations. Like using VirtualBox and using one of the linux distribution ?

2) Is it possible to execute .out in the windows machine?

Sorry for my poor questions I am not expert on Linux systems.



  • However now I don't have access to execute my job files on the LSF server.

    You should talk with your cluster administrator about this. Transferring data from laptop to cluster is a common task. I'm sure that they have best practices.

    1) Can I use my personal pc to execetute simulations. Like using VirtualBox and using one of the linux distribution ?

    Impossible to say with the limited information in the question. e.g., if your simulation software is licensed, then your laptop may not be eligible to use it.

    2) Is it possible to execute .out in the windows machine?

    Again, with the limited information in the question, its impossible to say. But in general Linux binaries cannot be directly run on Windows.