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Using variables in "Dynamics CRM Source" fetchXML in SSIS

I am building SSIS package in that package I am using "Dynamics CRM Source" control which uses fetchXML to retrieve data from MS Dynamics CRM.

This is my fetchXML:

  <entity name='f1_workorder'> 
     <all-attributes /> 
     <filter type='and'> 
        <condition attribute='createdon' operator="on-or-after" value="5/5/2018" /> 

You can see that condition value is hard-coded "5/5/2018"

It suppose to be read from a variable called XMLPeriod.

I tried many ways to use the variable in the fetchXML with no luck. I tried this

<condition attribute='createdon' operator="on-or-after" value=@XMLPeriod /> 

and this

<condition attribute='createdon' operator="on-or-after" value="@XMLPeriod" /> 

and this

<condition attribute='createdon' operator="on-or-after" value="@[User::XMLPeriod]" /> 

and this

<condition attribute='createdon' operator="on-or-after" value=@[User::XMLPeriod] /> 

I get this error

'@' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '"' or '''. Line 5, position 71.

any idea how to get this working?


  • As Arun has suggested in the comment, the third option (copied below) should work.

    <condition attribute='createdon' operator="on-or-after" value="@[User::XMLPeriod]" />

    If it is not working, please post the entire error message here, so that I can have a further look.