I am trying to implement the composite specification pattern, as per the Specifications Document by Fowler and Evans.
At first impression, I thought the implementation of isGeneralizationOf
would be different for conjunction and disjunction.
In particular, I thought the logic for conjunction would be
(1) Let specX be the conjunction of specA and specB. Then, specX is a generalization of specC only if both specA and specB are a generalization of specC.
And I thought the logic for disjunction would be
(2) Let specY be the disjunction of specA and specB. Then, specY is a generalization of specC if either specA or specB is a generalization of specC.
However, on page 16 of the document , they show this method:
CompositeSpecification >> isGeneralizationOf: aSpecification
"True if each component is subsumed. False if any component is not subsumed."
^ (self components contains:
[:each |(each isGeneralizationOf: aSpecification) not ]) not
Is my reasoning in (1) and (2) correct? If it's wrong, why is that? If it's correct, then why did the authors define a single method to be inherited by both conjunction and disjunction specifications? What is their intent here?
The following models: the spec "a AND b" is specialization of "a OR b"
({a,b} isSpecializationOf: {a}) & ({a,b} isSpecializationOf: {b})
-> true
This following models: the spec "a OR b" is specialization of "a AND b"
({a} isSpecializationOf: {a,b}) | ({b} isSpecializationOf: {a,b})
-> false
You can get the syntax this nice in Squeak if you first define the objects a and b, since {} is a special syntax for dynamic array literals (define isSpecializationOf: in class Array).