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What's the difference between 'var webApp = { .. }' and 'var webApp = function (){ .. }'

I have been experimenting a lot with modular JS lately and I still wonder if I am writing it "the right way".

For example, if I have a page which has inputs and submit buttons that should display data after submittion (table and graph for example) so I write my code under an IFFE so nothing can access it, but using an object variable like this:

var webApp = { ... } 

and inside it I cache elements from the DOM, add bind events, and other useful functions.

This is a real code I use for a form that should display a graph, table, and a progress bar when loading data, and all is managed in one object qwData:

(function() {

    const qwData = {

        // Initialize functions
        init: function() {
        // Cache vars 
        cacheDom: function() {
            this.dataDisplayed      = false;
            this.countUsers         = <?php echo $_SESSION['all_users_count_real']; ?>;
            this.customerMachines   = <?php echo $_SESSION['customer_statistics']['total_machines']; ?>;
            this.$form              = $('#frm');
            this.$alistToolbar      = this.$form.find('.alist-toolbar');
            this.start_date         = this.$form[0][9].value;
            this.end_date           = this.$form[0][10].value;
            this.dateCount          = this.countDays(this.start_date, this.end_date);
                 = document.querySelector('#btn-show');
            this.downloadBtn        = document.querySelector('#download_summary_button');
            this.$dataContainer     = $('#qw-data-container');
            this.$qwTable           = $('#qwtable');
            this.$qwTbody           = this.$qwTable.find('tbody');
            this.$qwTd              = this.$qwTbody.find('td');
            this.qwChart            = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main-chart'));
            this.progressBar        = document.querySelector('.progress-bar');
            Object.defineProperty(this, "progress", {
                get: () => {
                   return this.progressPrecent || 0;
                set: (value) => {

                    if( value != this.progressPrecent ) {
                      this.progressPrecent = value;
                      // this.setQwChartProgress(value);
                  configurable: true
            this.qwChartProgress    = this.progress;
        // Bind click events (or any events..)
        bindEvents: function() {

            var that = this;

            // On click "Show" BTN
   = this.sendData.bind(this);

            // On Change inputs

            // downloadQw
            this.downloadBtn.onclick = this.downloadQw.bind(this);
        downloadQw: function(e){

            var customer = "<?php echo $_SESSION['company_name']; ?>";
            var filename = customer + "qws_"+ this.start_date + "-" + this.end_date + ".zip";

                url: "/aaa/api/download_csv.php",
                method: "GET",
                dataType : "json",
                data: { 
                    customer: customer,
                    filename: filename
        setQwChartProgress: function(value){
            if (value != 0) {
                // Show Chart Loading 
                    color: (value == 99) ? '#00b0f0' : '#fff',
                    text: value + '%' 
        setProgressButton: function(value){

            if ( value >= 100 || value == 0 ){
           = 'Show';
            else {
           = value +'%';
                //   = true;
        resetShowButton: function(){
   = 'Show';
        disableShow: function(){
            // = "grey";
            //   = true;
        enableShow: function(){
            // = "#66aa66";
            //   = false;
        updateDatesInputs: function(){
            this.start_date     = this.$form[0][9].value;
            this.end_date       = this.$form[0][11].value;
            this.dateCount      = this.countDays(this.start_date,this.end_date);
            //   = false;
        removeError: function(){
            if (this.errors) {
                delete this.errors;
        countDays: function(date1, date2){

            // First we split the values to arrays date1[0] is the year, [1] the month and [2] the day
            var date1 = date1.split('-');
            var date2 = date2.split('-');

            // Now we convert the array to a Date object, which has several helpful methods
            date1 = new Date(date1[0], date1[1], date1[2]);
            date2 = new Date(date2[0], date2[1], date2[2]);

            // We use the getTime() method and get the unixtime (in milliseconds, but we want seconds, therefore we divide it through 1000)
            var date1_unixtime = parseInt(date1.getTime() / 1000);
            var date2_unixtime = parseInt(date2.getTime() / 1000);

            // This is the calculated difference in seconds
            var timeDifference = date2_unixtime - date1_unixtime;

            // in Hours
            var timeDifferenceInHours = timeDifference / 60 / 60;

            // and finaly, in days :)
            var timeDifferenceInDays = timeDifferenceInHours  / 24;

            if (timeDifferenceInDays > 0){
                return timeDifferenceInDays;
            } else {
                // alert('Error: The date are invalid.');
        // Get data, prevent submit defaults and submit. 
        sendData: function(e) {

            if ('isDisabled')) {

                this.showErrorDiv("Please select a new date range before submitting.");
            } else {

                let that                = this;
                let estimatedTotalTime  = ( (this.countUsers*this.customerMachines)/777 ) * 0.098; 
                let estimatedTime       = estimatedTotalTime/99;
                let estimatedTimeMs     = estimatedTime*1000;
                let timer               = setInterval( function(){that.incrementProgress(timer);}, estimatedTime); 

                console.log('Total Time: ' + estimatedTotalTime + 's');
                console.log('Estimated Time for 1%: ' + estimatedTime + 's');

                    type: 'POST',
                    url: "/manageit/ajax.php?module=qw_module",
                    dataType: 'json',
                    data: {
                            start_ts: that.start_date,
                            stop_ts: that.end_date, 
                            submitted: true, 
                            company_name: "<?php echo $_SESSION['company_name']; ?>"
                    beforeSend: function() {

                        // Show Chart Loading 
                            color: '#00b0f0', 
                            // text: that.qwChartProgress
                            text: ''

                        // If data div isn't displayed
                        if (!that.dataDisplayed) {
                            // Show divs loading
                        } else {
                    complete: function(){},
                    success: function(result){

                        // Reset show btn

                        // Clear timer

                        // Set progressbar to 100%

                        // Show Download Button
               = 'inline-block';

                        // Insert Chart Data

                        // Insert Table Data

                that.dataDisplayed = true;
        showErrorDiv: function(errorTxt){

            if (!this.errors){
                this.errors             = document.createElement("div");
                this.errors.className   = "qw_errors_div";
                this.errors.textContent = errorTxt;
        // Insert Data to Table
        insertTableData: function(json){

            let str = '';
            let isOdd = ' rowspan="2" ';

            for ( let i=1; i<9; i++ ) {

                str += '<tr>';

                for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) {

                    if ((i%2 === 0) && (j==0)){
                        // do nada
                    } else {
                        str += '<td '; 
                        str += ((i % 2 !== 0)&&(j==0)) ? isOdd : '';
                        str += '> '; 
                        str += json[i][j]; 
                        str += '</td>';
                str += '</tr>'; 


            this.$qwTbody.slideDown('fast', function(){
                if ($(this).is(':visible'))

            // Apply colors on table.
        tableHover: function(){

            this.$qwTd              = this.$qwTbody.find('td');
            var that =  this;

            this.$qwTd.eq(0).hover( function(){
                that.$qwTd.eq(0).css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');
                that.$qwTd.eq(0).parent().css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');
                that.$qwTd.eq(0).parent().next().css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');    
            }, function(){
                that.$qwTd.eq(0).css('background-color', '');
                that.$qwTd.eq(0).parent().css('background-color', '');
                that.$qwTd.eq(0).parent().next().css('background-color', '');   

            this.$qwTd.eq(15).hover( function(){
                that.$qwTd.eq(15).css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');
                that.$qwTd.eq(15).parent().css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');
                that.$qwTd.eq(15).parent().next().css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');   
            }, function(){
                that.$qwTd.eq(15).css('background-color', '');
                that.$qwTd.eq(15).parent().css('background-color', '');
                that.$qwTd.eq(15).parent().next().css('background-color', '');  

            this.$qwTd.eq(30).hover( function(){
                that.$qwTd.eq(30).css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');
                that.$qwTd.eq(30).parent().css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');
                that.$qwTd.eq(30).parent().next().css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');   
            }, function(){
                that.$qwTd.eq(30).css('background-color', '');
                that.$qwTd.eq(30).parent().css('background-color', '');
                that.$qwTd.eq(30).parent().next().css('background-color', '');  

            this.$qwTd.eq(45).hover( function(){
                that.$qwTd.eq(45).css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');
                that.$qwTd.eq(45).parent().css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');
                that.$qwTd.eq(45).parent().next().css('background-color', '#f5f5f5');   
            }, function(){
                that.$qwTd.eq(45).css('background-color', '');
                that.$qwTd.eq(45).parent().css('background-color', '');
                that.$qwTd.eq(45).parent().next().css('background-color', '');  
        incrementProgress: function(timer){

            if (this.progress == 99)
        // Insert Data to Chart
        insertChartData: function(json){

            var posList = [
                'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom',
                'insideTop', 'insideLeft', 'insideRight', 'insideBottom',
                'insideTopLeft', 'insideTopRight', 'insideBottomLeft', 'insideBottomRight'

            this.qwChart.configParameters = {
                rotate: {
                    min: -90,
                    max: 90
                align: {
                    options: {
                        left: 'left',
                        center: 'center',
                        right: 'right'
                verticalAlign: {
                    options: {
                        top: 'top',
                        middle: 'middle',
                        bottom: 'bottom'
                position: {
                    options: echarts.util.reduce(posList, function (map, pos) {
                        map[pos] = pos;
                        return map;
                    }, {})
                distance: {
                    min: 0,
                    max: 100

            this.qwChart.config = {
                rotate: 90,
                align: 'left',
                verticalAlign: 'middle',
                position: 'insideBottom',
                distance: 15,
                onChange: function () {
                    var labelOption = {
                        normal: {
                            rotate: this.qwChart.config.rotate,
                            align: this.qwChart.config.align,
                            verticalAlign: this.qwChart.config.verticalAlign,
                            position: this.qwChart.config.position,
                            distance: this.qwChart.config.distance
                        series: [{
                            label: labelOption
                        }, {
                            label: labelOption
                        }, {
                            label: labelOption

            var labelOption = {
                normal: {
                    show: true,
                    position: this.qwChart.config.position,
                    distance: this.qwChart.config.distance,
                    align: this.qwChart.config.align,
                    verticalAlign: this.qwChart.config.verticalAlign,
                    rotate: this.qwChart.config.rotate,
                    // formatter: '{c}  {name|{a}}',
                    formatter: '{name|{a}}',
                    fontSize: 16,
                    rich: {
                        name: {
                            // textBorderColor: '#fff', 
                            // color: '#333',
                            // color: '#717171',
                            color: '#525252',
                            shadowColor: 'transparent', 
                            shadowBlur: 0, 
                            textBorderColor: 'transparent',
                            textBorderWidth: 0, 
                            textShadowColor: 'transparent', 
                            textShadowBlur: 0

            option = {
                color: ['#007bff', '#00b0f0', 'red', '#e5323e'],
                tooltip: {
                    trigger: 'axis',
                    axisPointer: {
                        type: 'shadow'
                legend: {
                    data: ['Inactives / Viewers', 'Inactives / Viewers / Less than 1min per day', 'Light no Macro'] 
                toolbox: {
                    show: true,
                    orient: 'vertical',
                    left: 'right',
                    top: 'center',
                    feature: {
                        mark: {show: true},
                        // dataView: {show: true, readOnly: false},
                        // magicType: {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar', 'stack', 'tiled']},
                        restore: {show: true},
                        saveAsImage: {show: true}
                calculable: true,
                xAxis: [
                        type: 'category',
                        axisTick: {show: false},
                        data: ['Excel', 'Word', 'PowerPoint', 'All 3 Apps']
                yAxis: [
                        type: 'value', 
                        name: 'Score'
                series: [
                        name: 'Light no Macro',
                        type: 'bar',
                        label: labelOption,
                        color: 'red',
                        data: [ [3, json[7][7]] ]
                        name: 'Inactives / Viewers',
                        type: 'bar',
                        barGap: 0,
                        label: labelOption,
                        data: [ json[1][7], json[3][7], json[5][7], json[8][7] ]
                        name: 'Inactives / Viewers / Less than 1min per day',
                        type: 'bar',
                        label: labelOption,
                        data: [ json[2][7], json[4][7], json[6][7] ]

            // Set charts options
            // Hide Loading
        // Show Main div on submition (only)
        showMainDiv: function(){
            // Show all contatner div
        // Sets a new value for the progress bar
        setProgressBarValue: function(value){

   = this.returnNumWithPrecent(value);
        returnNumWithPrecent: function(num){

            return num.toString() + '%';
        setProgressBarTo100: function(){
            var that = this;
            // Show Download Button
            this.progress = 100;
            setTimeout(function () {
                // Show Download Button
                that.progress = 0;
            }, 1000);
    // run object

but I see other examples that write the functionality under a function and not an object:

webApp = function (){ ... };

like the example:

var Background = (function() {
  'use strict';
  // placeholder for cached DOM elements
  var DOM = {};
  /* =================== private methods ================= */
  // cache DOM elements
  function cacheDom() {
    DOM.$background = $('#background');

  // coordinate async assembly of image element and rendering
  function loadImage() {
    var baseUrl = '',
        cat     = 'nature',
        size    = '1920x1080';

  // assemble the image element
  function buildElement(source) {
    var deferred = $.Deferred(function (task) {
      var image = new Image();
      image.onload = function () {
      image.onerror = function () {
      image.src = source;
    return deferred.promise();

  // render DOM
  function render(image) { 
      .css('opacity', 1);

  /* =================== public methods ================== */
  // main init method
  function init() {

  /* =============== export public methods =============== */
  return {
    init: init

I have 2 questions regarding this:

  1. What is the difference between using an object and inside of it setting functions, vars, ect':

    var webApp = { ... };

and a function variable with the same characteristics (just with a syntax written differently). like the example from the link I pasted.

var webApp = function (){ ... };
  1. Is this right to write code like that where all (kinda separated elements like the graph, table, progress-bar) in one object/function? Should this be better separated to different objects? If there is a newer better way to write such code please mention what I should research.


  • One of the problems with internet tutorials is that they linger past the point of relevance and very few authors keep them up to date. Things move exceedingly quickly in JS land and an industry standard from 5 years ago (e.g. jQuery) now seems odd when you still stumble across it.

    So, to put into practice the good habit that I'm nagging on others for omitting:

    State of JavaScript Modules, Mid 2018, changing fast, #deprecated

    It's a mess.

    First you have ES 6 modules. ES 6 was renamed to ES 2015 and the modules part was taken out and made into a separate spec, meaning that a browser could be ES 2015 compliant and still not have native modules. However, 3 years later, every browser with a relevant global market share (chrome, android chrome, firefox, iOS Safari) implements at least a basic version of the native module system (so do Edge, Opera, etc.). I am unclear since I believe the spec allows paths to be more forgiving (we'll get back to that in a minute), but here is the syntax, relative or absolute filepath with extension required:

    import Foo from './foo.js'; // Import default export from foo.js, alias to 'Foo'
    import { Foo } from './foo.js'; // Import named export 'Foo' from foo.js
    export default function () {}; // exports a function as default, importer aliases
    const Foo = class Foo {};
    export Foo; // exports named class Foo

    These have a lot of advantages over anything else (first and foremost you don't need special tools or build processes), but because they are very recent they aren't in super widespread use in the JavaScript ecosystem yet. Because they were long in coming, and people had work to get done, they implemented various other module patterns/tools/systems. One of the earliest ones is the one in your question, but that pattern while certainly better than nothing has enough problems that people started looking around.

    AMD modules

    One other earlier offering was require.js's asynchronous module definition. While it had some compelling technical advantages, it is effectively dead.

    Common.js modules

    node.js exploded on to the scene with it's own module system based on common.js modules (that basically have become the defacto flavor of common.js). People started saying "hey it'd be great to be able to do this in the browser too" and thus, browserify. Browserify was a tool that would traverse your dependency graph and convert require expressions into something the browser could handle (basically, by making require a function). Node's modules are kinda ill-suited to the browser, but converging on one standard was better than eighty million competing adhoc implementations. People looked at these three competing module patterns/systems (one in your question, AMD, common.js) and said hey we can unify these. Thus

    Universal module definition

    If you've seen code in the wild that looks like this:

    (function (root, factory) {
        if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
            // AMD
            define(['jquery'], factory);
        } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
            // Node, CommonJS-like
            module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
        } else {
            // Browser globals (root is window)
            root.returnExports = factory(root.jQuery);
    }(this, function ($) {

    Then you've seen UMD. Note how it checks to see if the environment it's in is set up for AMD or common.js. Transformers were written to convert both styles to this for legacy code and legibility concerns (that's a fair bit of boilerplate).

    But people wanted more: they wanted to be able to express all of their webapp's dependencies (including css and images) in code, with a tool to shard and selectively load it. Plus by this time the native module spec was in draft and people wanted to use that syntax. And thus

    Webpack modules

    Webpack is currently the defacto system in use today (although lots of people still use browserify). Webpack's module syntax looks something like this:

    import Foo from 'foo'; // imports default export from foo.js somewhere on PATH

    Does that look familiar? Very similar to (yet subtly different from the native modules). Webpack can also do the following:

    import 'Something.css'; // commonly seen in react apps
    import 'logo.svg'; // ditto

    This is handy, as people move to componentized systems, it's nice to be able to express all component dependencies in an entry point file for that component. Unfortunately HTML imports which would have allowed you to do that natively without a build step died a flaming horrible death.

    The incompatibilities with the native module system, subtle (path and file extensions) and gross (importing non-js assets) are unfortunate, it means that one or the other is going to have to change because I've tried to write native module-based apps recently and it is very hard to consume libraries (almost none of which offer a native module flavor).

    What to use is a kind of opinionated question, but if you're using a framework use whatever is common for other users of that framework. Common.js and webpack are common enough that there are plenty of tools for consuming them and are probably your best bet at this moment. The other thing to watch for are dynamic imports, already landed in several browsers.

    Sorry this is all so confusing, you just happen to be entering JavaScript during a very transitional time.