I have a main scene centered on the center of the viewport
in addition to that I want another small object to be displayed on the corner of the viewport.
The trouble is that when I draw the small object, it is transformed by the main projection transformation and appears slanted. I want the small object to have its own vanishing point centered in its center.
Is this possible which just transformations?
You want your main scene to be projected in one way and your corner object to be projected in another way. This directly leads you to the solution:
void render() {
Perhaps you're wondering how to implement setUpCornerProjection. It would look something like this:
// let's say r is a rect, which, in eye space, contains the corner object and is
// centered on it
glFrustum(r.left, r.right, r.bottom, r.top, nearVal, farVal);
// let's say p is the rect in screen-space where you want to
// place the corner object
glViewport(p.x, p.y, p.width, p.height);
And then in setUpMainProjection() you'd need to also call glFrustum and glViewport.