I have a LabVIEW application that I inherited that has a bunch of sub-VIs. In the course of cleaning it up I've discovered some of the included VIs are not used. I know I can use the VI Hierarchy to see every VI included as icons but this isn't that useful for comparing against a directory listing. Is there a(n easy) way to create a list of VIs used by a LabVIEW application? I just want a list.
This download on the National Instruments website will save a list of all subVIs of a chosen VI to a text file.
If you just want to see the list (and have the application builder or the professional development system), choose Tools>Build Application and click the VI Settings tab.
Neither of these methods will tell you about dynamically loaded VIs, but you can check whether any of these are being used with Edit>Find>Objects and searching for Call by Reference Node and/or Invoke Node.
There may also be ways of doing this from the Project Explorer in LabVIEW 8 upwards.