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Should API gateway be responsible for authorisation?

Currently I have a monolith application with Java/Spring Boot the following endpoints:

  • /login
  • /logout
  • /some-resource

To access some-resource, the flow is following:

  1. The user makes a POST request to /login endpoint. If the credentials are correct, a JWT token is returned in header, otherwise a 401.
  2. The users sends the JWT token along with the request to /some-resource. If the token is valid, the resource is returned, otherwise 403.

Now I want to split the monolith into 2 services: "AuthServer" and "SomeResourceServer". There will be an API gateway on the top. I am thinking about 2 possible ways to handle authorisation

Option 1

  1. The user makes request to /login endpoint. The API gateway forwards it to the "AuthServer". If the credentials are correct, a JWT token is returned in header, otherwise a 401. - This step is the same
  2. The users sends the JWT token along with the request to /some-resource. The API gateway calls the "AuthServer" to validate the JWT token. If the token is valid, the API gateway calls "SomeResourceServer" and returns the results. Otherwise 403.

Option 2

  1. The user makes request to /login endpoint. The API gateway forwards it to the "AuthServer". If the credentials are correct, a JWT token is returned in header, otherwise a 401. - This step is the same
  2. The users sends the JWT token along with the request to /some-resource. The API gateway simply forwards the request to "SomeResourceServer". Then "SomeResourceServer" calls "AuthServer" to validate the JWT token. If the token is valid, the resource is returned, otherwise 403.

In Option 1 the API gateway is responsible to handle authorisation (communicate with "AuthServer"), in option 2 the communication is done between the servers. So which option is more correct? Are there any good/bad practices? Or maybe another way/option?


  • You can strip of the authentication at the gateway and there is nothing wrong in doing so. There is a slight overhead on the gateway and this will not be a problem if

    1. you intend to make all your resources secure.
    2. you make sure that any call that reaches the the resource service is from a secure zone i.e request should not come directly to service as it will not have any means to authenticate.
    3. No Authorization. JWT tokens also has vital info about the roles which help application decide on the authorization. If it is ok for you to loose that bit of info, then thats fine.

    However you have one place to handle authentication and if you strip the token from the call, depending on the number of hops this call has to make this removal of token may help you.

    On the other hand II option gives you freedom that all your services are individually secured. If you want some of the resources of some of the service to be available anonymously you can get that as well. You also have control over authorization bit.

    Its all about trade offs. But I prefer the second approach as I have more freedom.

    Having said that, you really don't need to make a call to auth server to verify the JWT. JWT tokens can be verified independently if you have the public key of signing authority.

    Also when requesting for the resource, if token is invalid response code should be 401 and if token is valid Principal is not authorized to access the resource, response should be 403.

    API gateway IMO should not have anything to do with Authorization (authentication may be) as it is something which is decided by the service and vary from service to service and resource to resource and should be left for the services to take care of.