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Same Data applied across all Beans of same type while creating a list of beans with different data

My use case is to create a List of Beans "B" each having a different instance of a dependent bean "C".

public class A{

    List<B> bPool = new ArrayList<>();
    private ApplicationContext appContext;

    A(ApplicationContext appContext){
        this.appContext = appContext;

    public void init(){
        for(int i=0; i<POOL_SIZE; i++){
            bPool.add((B) appContext.getBean("b"));

    //code for multi-threading, which uses beans from the list bPool. 
    //I iterate the list, launch multiple threads, 
    //pass different data to each thread and combine results.
    List<CompletableFuture> multiThreads = new ArrayList<>();
    Iterator it = bPool.iterator();
    for(Data d : listOfSomeData){ //same size for listOfSomeData and bPool
        CompletableFuture var = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
            B curr = (B)
    multiThreads.forEach(cf -> cf.join());

public class B{
    //Service class - has some dependencies, like C below
    private C c;
    private ApplicationContext appContext;

    B(ApplicationContext appContext){
        this.appContext = appContext;

    public void init(){
        c = (C) appContext.getBean("c");


public class C{
    //this class holds some data and does some processing on it, 
    //I want this to be different for different instances in different threads.

While creating list of Bs in bPool, while constructing (I checked by printing in post-construct), a different instance of C is being set for every B respectively.

However, while using the B instances later from the same pool, All the B instances are having the same C instance.

They all have the C instance which was set to the last created B element of bPool.

I am new to springboot and unable to understand this behavior. Any help appreciated. Thanks


  • Still unsure about what was causing the issue. However a different approach solved my use case.

    I went ahead and used the Async functionality provided by spring itself.

    Refer: documentation link

    1. In your main class, Add @EnableAsync annotation and create a pool of background threads to run.

      public class Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
, args).close();
      public Executor asyncExecutor() {
          ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
          return executor;
    2. Create a new class with a public method with @Async annotation containing the heavy code that we want to run in background. This method needs to be public and has to be in a different class for proxying to work. We cannot create this async method in the same class from where it will be called.

      public class MyAsyncService {
          public CompletableFuture<ResultClass> myAsyncMethod(String params){
              //do some heavy tasks here
              return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(instanceOfResultClass);
      1. Call the above class with async method from a caller class.

        public class CallerService{
            private MyAsyncService myAsyncService;
            public CallerService(MyAsyncService myAsyncService){
                this.myAsyncService = myAsyncService;
            public void myMethod(){
                CompletableFuture<ResultClass> result1 = myService.findUser("PivotalSoftware");
                CompletableFuture<ResultClass> result2 = gitHubLookupService.findUser("CloudFoundry");        
                CompletableFuture.allOf(result1, result2).join();
                ResultClass finalResult1 = result1.get();
                ResultClass finalResult2 = result2.get();