I am developing a web application with scala 2.8.1, scalatra 2.0.0.M2, squeryl 2.8.0 and scalate 2.0.0 and sbt
I am having a problem with, apparently a model or the schema class. When I run my tests I get a:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.mycompany.myproject.model.myschema
If I try to run the following code on sbt's console-quick I get an error:
import org.mycompany.myproject.model.myschema
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not deduce Option[] type of field 'field1' of class org.mycompany.myproject.model.myotherclass
As I have expected the error pops up no matter what method I try to invoke on that schema.
Now here is how my schema looks like near that table declaration:
object myschema extends Schema {
val myotherclasses = table[myotherclass]
val otherClassManyToMany = manyToManyRelation(yetanotherclass, mytables).
via[myotherclass]((e,ssr, sse) => (e.id === sse.leftId, sse.rightId === ssr.id))
This is how my code table looks like:
class myotherclass(
val rightId: Long,
val field1: Option[Long],
val field2: Option[Long],
val foreiginKey: Long,
val leftId: Long) extends KeyedEntity[CompositeKey2[Long, Long]] {
def id ={compositeKey(sesestacao, sessensor)}
And finally my sql definition:
create table telemetria.myotherclass (
rightId numeric(8,0) references telemetria.estacao(estcodigo),
field1 numeric(8,0),
field2 numeric(8,0),
foreiginKey smallint references myschema.thirdtable(idOfThird),
leftId smallint references myschema.yetanotherclass(id),
primary key (rightId, leftId)
I have not mapped the thirdtable into my code. What could be going on?
With Squeryl, you have to define a default constructor if you have any fields of type Option[_]. So, for this case you would have
def this() = this(0l, Some(0l), Some(0l), 0l, 0l)
on myotherclass
so that Squeryl can figure out the type of the Option[_] columns. See the section labeled Nullable columns are mapped with Option[] fields here http://squeryl.org/schema-definition.html