Running a python+pyomo optimization with PyCharm results in the error, that the executable cannot be found for the solver. I tested it with glpk and gurobi.
The projekt interpreter is set to my conda path. In PyCharm, I can see, that glpk is installed in that path, too. I also verified that by showing the content of the anaconda path on my machine.
Running the same code in the terminal outside of PyCharm, does not lead to an error.
I am working on Ubuntu 16.04. with PyCharm 2018.1 Community Edition.
After trying the terminal in PyCharm, I also got the code to run. So I checked the different environment variables. The PATH variable is different to the terminal PATH variable in the Python console. It seems to be similar to that stackoverflow question. After adding the missing PATHs by starting PyCharm from the terminal, glpk and gurobi can be found.
Actually, I still do not quite get, why PyCharm is not using .bashrc
by default.