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How to include PageFields in HTML when converting using Aspose.Words

I am trying to include a field for the current page number in an HTML string. I was hoping that including the {{PAGE}} token in my string would be enough but it only gets converted to a MailMergeField instead of being replaced with the PageField.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • Please see the following HTML:

            <span style="-aw-field-start:true"></span>
            <span style="-aw-field-code:' PAGE  '"></span>
            <span style="-aw-field-separator:true"></span>
            <span style="-aw-field-end:true"></span>

    Aspose.Words will convert this HTML into a real PAGE field when using the following code:

    Document doc = new Document("D:\\temp\\in.html");

    I work with Aspose as Developer Evangelist.